Tidbits |August 2015

A Break from the Grind

Quotes, survey statistics and musings to use in employee communications or just for a break from the grind.
TDF Focus |August 2015

The Aggregation Effect

This effect is apparent when measuring average performance of target-date funds against two different metrics
Washington Update |August 2015

Rules and Regulations

Summaries of the latest news from Washington and the courts—what's coming, what's contemplated and what's critical for plan sponsors to know.
UpFront |August 2015

Risk Management

Best practices to reduce fiduciary liability risk
UpFront |August 2015

Re-Enrollments Poorly Leveraged

Which best describes your view regarding a one-time re-enrollment of all participant accounts?44% have considered, but did not implement because:Felt we would get too much pushback from employees14%Felt...
UpFront |August 2015

Hitting Pause

According to a recent survey, people hamstrung by a lack of savings are delaying a wide number of major life events. 24% are putting off higher education;22% are...
UpFront |August 2015

Financial Wellness for All

Many plan sponsors assume it’s just high-tech companies or organizations with ample money to spend on benefits that take an interest in participant financial wellness programs—not true. According...
UpFront |August 2015

The Self-Directed Option

Demographics of participants using brokerage accounts differ from those of other Vanguard participants on a number of attributes. BrokerageParticipantsAll ParticipantsMedian age5246Median tenure157Percentage male80%59%Median account balance$262,446 $29,603 Median equity allocation83%83%Median...
DB Plans |August 2015

Smart Beta

Products that fulfill a need for risk-adjusted returns
Saxon Angle |August 2015

Tibble Takeaways

SCOTUS ruling on the duty to monitor plan investments