Survey Says |January 2015

Minimum Wage

Nearly two-thirds of responding readers indicated that the U.S. federal minimum wage should be increased, while 39.7% said it should not.
Bells & Whistles |January 2015

New Products

Recent product introductions that may be of interest to plan sponsors.
Issue Intro |January 2015

Second Generations

As simple as target-date funds are touted to be, and even as their second generation is being developed, they contain nuances that participants need to understand.
Running the Fund |January 2015

TDF Pandemonium

Almost half of participants undermine the benefits of target-date funds.
The Bottom Line |January 2015

Plan Design 2015

Steps to improve participant outcomes now.
Barry's Pickings |January 2015

Tax Reform in 2015?

The second-largest ‘tax expenditure’ in the tax code
Done Deal |January 2015

Simplified Access

A plan sponsor helps develop an enrollment tool.
Tidbits |January 2015


Quotes, survey statistics and musings to use in employee communications, or just for a break from the grind.
Insights |January 2015

Plan Procrastination

It seems there might be such a thing as sponsor inertia.
Washington Update |January 2015

Washington Update

Summaries of the latest news from Washington and the courts—what's coming, what's contemplated and what's critical for plan sponsors.
Asset Class Focus |January 2015

Target-Risk Funds

They are useful for participants who know their risk profile.