Looking to the Stars

concept of looking to the stars to chart a course is certainly not a new one.
Since ancient times, people have relied on astronomy in place of compasses and

UpFront |Magazine, November 2012

Custom-made TDFs

Personalizing target-date funds creates better outcomes
UpFront |Magazine, November 2012

Social Security Stats

Social Security still a component of retirement planning for most
UpFront |Magazine, November 2012

True Value

Several factors determine tax benefits of deferrals 
UpFront |Magazine, November 2012

Friendly Reminders

How to improve efficiency of open enrollment
UpFront |Magazine, November 2012

Emotions Rule

… and have a very definite effect on investment choices
Survey Says |Magazine, November 2012

Survey Says

How Will Your Participants React to Fee Disclosures?
Bells & Whistles |Magazine, November 2012

Bells & Whistles

Each month, Bells & Whistles highlights recent product introductions that plan sponsors­ may find of interest. More information about these announcements can be found on If you...
Feature |Magazine, November 2012

Risky Business

5 considerations for transferring pension risk
Head of the Class |Magazine, November 2012

The Best Circles

High-yield strategies have bordered on spectacular—for now
The Bottom Line |Magazine, November 2012

Future Shock

Income replacement figures will help participants prepare for retirement
Case Sensitive |Magazine, November 2012

Statute of Limitations

Dominic Cataldo, et al., v. United States Steel Corporation, et al., No. 10-3583
Barry's Pickings |Magazine, November 2012

Morality Play

It’s time for the Fed to provide a fair rate of return to savers
Saxon Angle |Magazine, November 2012

Questionable Response

Does FAQ 39 really address the brokerage window issue?
Just out of Reish |Magazine, November 2012

The Not-So-Fine Print

Fiduciaries have a duty to understand provider agreements
Second Opinions |Magazine, November 2012

To-Do List, Part 1

ACA requirements to consider for 2012 and 2013
Education/Advice |Magazine, November 2012

Do the Right Thing

You may have heard the horror stories:
Education/Advice |Magazine, November 2012

Good Form

Beneficiary designation should not be an afterthought
Tidbits |Magazine, November 2012


Some quotes, survey statistics and musings to use in employee communications, or just as a break in the grind.