Tidbits |October 2015

A Break from the Grind

Quotes, survey statistics and musing to use in employee communications, or just for a break from the grind.
Analyze This |October 2015

The Influence of Plan Advisers

Plans with an adviser are more likely to operate in alignment with fiduciary best practices, among other things.
Washington Update |October 2015

Rules & Regulations

Summaries of the latest news from Washington and the courts—what's coming, what's contemplated and what's critical for plan sponsors to know.
UpFront |October 2015

The Best Fit

Why, statistically, TDFs are the most common QDIA
UpFront |October 2015

Carrot and Stick

Incentives boost financial wellness success.
UpFront |October 2015

Investment Options and HSAs

As of 2004, account owners can invest in mutual funds and other vehicles, as they would in a 401(k) plan.
UpFront |October 2015

Giving Employees A Voice

How do employees want to learn about retirement and how much risk will they take?
UpFront |October 2015

Lower Expense Ratios

In 2014, the average expense ratio for equity mutual funds offered in the U.S. was 1.33%, but 401(k) plan participants who invested in equity mutual funds paid less...
PS Coach |October 2015

Compliance Checklist

Review each point to help ensure you're meeting plan obligations
Rules/Regs |October 2015

Money Market Reform

Plan sponsors are misinterpreting the rule amendments
DB Focus |October 2015

Make-or-Buy Decisions

How pension risk transfer can fulfill benefit obligations to participants
Second Opinions |October 2015

ACA 40% Excise Tax

Approaches the Treasury and IRS are considering with regard to implementation of the tax
Done Deal |October 2015

Financial Wellness

This plan sponsor boosted employees’ retirement confidence
Barry's Pickings |October 2015

PBGC Policy Proposals

4 challenges, 3 solutions and a change in policymakinng
Just Out of Reish |October 2015

Key Changes Ahead

Implementation of money market fund regulations