For the People, by the People

As July wound to a close, no fewer than a dozen
industry trade organizations put their collective heads
together and tried to help the Department of Labor—which has
been working on a project regarding fee disclosure, and has
asked for input—put together some workable principles on
retirement plan fee disclosure

Head of the Class |September 2007

Blurring the Lines

It's getting hard to tell where the line lies between growth and value.
Asset Mix |September 2007

Get Real

DC plans' interest in real estate builds.
Running the Fund |September 2007

Pay for “Play”

Blame it on the hedge funds—the trend to performance-based fees
Barry's Pickings |September 2007

Safe How’s?

For better or worse, Congress, when it passed ERISA, adopted modern portfolio theory as the investment standard for "prudence." In doing so, it rejected explicitly investment theories grounded...
Saxon Angle |September 2007

Pendulum Swing

A 401(k) fee suit was dismissed.