J.P. Morgan Launches TDF Series

October 22, 2012 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - J.P. Morgan launched a target-date fund series, JPMorgan SmartRetirement Blend Funds.

SmartRetirement Blend keeps the overall asset allocation and glide path design of SmartRetirement target-date funds (TDFs), while incorporating the selection of some passive investments for fee efficiency.

The funds are designed to give strong risk adjusted returns over market cycles, with the goal of getting as many participants to a minimum wage replacement threshold as possible at the point of retirement.

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The series seeks to add value through: 

  • Diversified strategic asset allocation, grounded in participant behavior research;
  • Underlying manager selection screened from J.P. Morgan’s platform of 240-plus investment strategies for alpha delivery with low correlation to other underlying strategies. The funds leverage this process to incorporate passive investing in multiple asset classes, including domestic U.S. equities; and
  • Tactical asset allocation helps the fund series position for market inefficiencies and relative value opportunities.

“Plan sponsors are increasingly sensitive to fees, yet simultaneously take their fiduciary duty very seriously in seeking the most suitable investment options for their participants to help improve retirement outcomes,” said Daniel Oldroyd, SmartRetirement portfolio manager in J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s GMAG.

The fund’s management team, overseen by Anne Lester, is part of a multi-asset boutique within J.P. Morgan.

HR Managers Want to Improve Health Benefits Knowledge

October 22, 2012 (PLANSPONSOR.com) – Human Resources mangers are frustrated with employees’ understanding of health benefits, according to a Quick Poll conducted by Corporate Synergies Group.

Eighty-four percent of HR managers said plan participants do not understand how their “lifestyle or utilization decisions” affect the cost of benefits. Just 8% said they felt their employees had a good grasp of how their decisions influence the cost of benefits.  

“This is a very turbulent time in health insurance and there is a lot at stake, both for businesses and for individuals. Creating greater understanding of health benefits is critical to the physical health of plan participants and the financial well-being of the business bottom line,” said John Turner, CEO of Corporate Synergies Group.  

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Asked to prioritize benefits activities, respondents said educating employees about their benefits is their top goal. Controlling costs, either for the organization or for plan participants, ranked lowest.  

Corporate Synergies surveyed 100 Human Resources professionals in September.
