October 23, 2014 (PLANSPONSOR.com) – Retirement savings for older workers racked up impressive investment gains in the past 12 months, but the price of securing lifetime retirement income is up significantly too.
This is the state of affairs described by the latest update
of BlackRock’s CoRI Retirement Indexes—which track the cost of purchasing
lifetime retirement income by estimating how much an investor needs to have
saved today to generate a single dollar of income in retirement, starting at
age 65. Despite increased savings for workers in their 50s, the indexes suggest most retirement savers
are worse off overall than they were 12 months ago, due to the significant increase
in price for lifetime income.
On the asset-growth side, in the 12 months that ended September
30, median savings for 55-year-olds increased 16.48% to $271,620. The
total includes investments both in 401(k) plans and individual retirement
accounts (IRAs), as tracked by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI).
The boost came mainly from equity markets’ strong performance, BlackRock says.
Despite a recent pullback, the S&P 500 climbed 17.29% in the year ended September
The estimated cost of future lifetime retirement income
for 55-year-olds climbed even faster, at 18.50%, according to the CoRI Indexes.
This means that, for 55-year-olds, every dollar of lifetime retirement income
purchased through annuities at the start of the current quarter would have cost
about $15.12, compared with $12.76 a year earlier.
The main factor driving up the cost of future retirement
income is a drop in interest rates over the past year, which has surprised some
experts. Yields on 10-year U.S. Treasury notes fell to 2.52% at the end of the
third quarter of 2014, down from 2.64% a year ago. As interest rates fall, it
takes more money to secure future retirement income, BlackRock
explains. The CoRI Indexes use techniques similar to those used by insurance
companies, the Social Security Administration and pension plans to estimate future income costs.
For workers who were 60 and 64 starting September 30, 2013,
the results of the latest CoRI Index updates were mixed. This group saw retirement
account values increase, with median savings among 60-year-olds climbing 14.76%
to $277,330, and median savings for 64-year-olds rising 15.01% to $259,934. Those savings outpaced the rise in estimated lifetime income costs,
which were 13.64% and 6.28%, respectively, year over year. As BlackRock
explains, lifetime income costs for different age groups are impacted
differently by moving interest rates.
While older workers saw their portfolio growth outpace the
increases in income costs, BlackRock warns that many older workers still have
too little saved.
information about the CoRI Indexes, including current and past index data, is
available here.
a webinar entitled, “Health Plans – Plan Sponsor Readiness Check-Up for 2015,” Summer
Conley, an Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) attorney
specializing in health and welfare benefits at Drinker Biddle & Reath in
Los Angeles, noted that employers face two potential penalties for 2015. There
is a “no coverage” penalty for employers with more than 50 full-time equivalent
(FTE) employees that do not offer minimum essential coverage to substantially
all FTEs—triggered if one employee goes to a federal or state health plan exchange and
qualifies for a subsidy. The penalty is $2,000 per FTE, minus the first 30
is also an “insufficient coverage” penalty. Conley explained that employers must
offer a minimum value to employees in their health plans; a health plan meets
this standard if it is designed to pay at least 60% of the total cost of medical
services for a standard population. In addition, at least one option offered to
an employee must not exceed 9.5% of the employee’s household income. The insufficient coverage penalty is $3,000 for each of the employer’s employees who receives a subsidy on a public health
insurance exchange. Conley conceded that plan sponsors are unable to know what
an employee’s household income is; the IRS has offered several safe harbors for determining this affordability standard.
are the general employer mandate rules, but the IRS has provided transitional relief for 2015, Conley noted. Employers with 50 to 99 FTEs are not subject to penalties in 2015.
Also, the requirement that employers offer coverage to at least 95% of FTEs has
been modified to 70% of FTEs for 2015. She warned that this modification may
provide relief for the “no coverage” penalty, but employers still may incur an “insufficient
coverage” penalty. Also, in 2015 employers subject to the “no coverage penalty”
can subtract 80 FTEs instead of 30 when calculating the penalty amount. The
transitional relief also provides that if a plan sponsor did not cover eligible
dependent children in 2013 and 2014, but it is taking steps to extend coverage,
there will be no penalty for failure to offer coverage in 2015. The
transitional relief is effective January 1, 2015, but for employers on a
non-calendar year plan year, transitional relief is available the first day of
the plan year before January 1, 2015.
reminded employers that the ACA defines an FTE as an employee that works on
average 30 hours a week or 130 hours a month. Employers may use a monthly or
set “look-back” period for determining who is an FTE, and they may use different
measurement periods for different groups of employees. There are special rules for
counting hours for breaks in service or leaves of absence, but generally employers
should count hours for which employees are entitled to pay, she noted.
Wickett-Altier, ERISA attorney specializing in health and welfare benefits at
Drinker Biddle & Reath in Chicago, said one issue she has seen concerns
controlled groups. The employer mandate applies to a controlled group, but the failure
to offer coverage by one entity in the controlled group results in a penalty
only for that entity. The companies within a controlled group may have different measurement periods, and the IRS has offered transition relief for employees
moving from one measurement period to another in a transaction between entities.
Wickett-Altier noted that the “qualified separate line of business” rules that
allow some companies in a controlled group to perform retirement plan testing separately
are not available for ACA requirements.
said another issues arises for employers who contract employees through
staffing firms. Who is the common law employer of the employee contracted
through a staffing firm? Is the employee an FTE or a variable-hour employee? The
issues may be addressed in the contract between the employer and staffing
agency. She noted that there is a safe harbor rule that permits the staffing
agency to offer health coverage to a temporary employee on behalf of its client
to handle seasonal employees is another area for which employers have
questions, according to Wickett-Altier. Seasonal employees are employees for
which their customary annual employment is six months or less, and who are also
usually hired around the same time each year. She said they are generally
treated as variable hour employees; employers may use a longer measurement
period of up to 12 months to initially determine if these employees are FTEs, and the initial offer of coverage may be delayed until 13 months after employment.
should also carefully consider independent contractors, Wickett-Altier warned. “Misclassification
of these employees could result in significant tax consequences. The employer
could fail the 95% coverage test and pay $2,000 per FTE (minus 30).” She said
there is a common law test to determine if an individual is a contractor or
employee. It includes about 20 factors, including degree of control the
individual has over his work, the individual’s opportunity for profit or loss, the
employer’s right to discharge the worker, whether the individual is essential
to business, whether he sets his own hours, how the individual is paid, and whether
he is performing services for more than one company. “At the end of the day,
the employment agreement is not the determination of whether the individual is
an employee,” Wickett-Altier said.
to Take Now
Jensen, an ERISA attorney specializing in health and welfare benefits at
Drinker Biddle & Reath in Philadelphia, said, if they haven’t already,
employers should be doing a document review now to determine if their current definitions of FTE, eligible employee and waiting period comply with the ACA. They should
also ensure summary plan descriptions (SPDs), benefits booklets and other
participant communications materials include compliant definitions. Jensen
added that these documents should also address what happens if an employee goes
on a leave of absence. Also, the IRS has expanded the rules for mid-year coverage changes, so employers need to amend their cafeteria plans to the new rules, as
noted that plan sponsors must eliminate stand-alone health reimbursement
arrangements (HRAs) as a plan type if they are not excepted benefits. These
plans do not comply with ACA limits and cannot be used anymore.
Concerning operational
considerations, Jensen said employers need to develop an approach to identifying
FTEs, and it is a good idea to put it in writing as an internal policy. “This
will help, if you’re audited, to show compliance.”
warned plan sponsors to be mindful of potential issues if they intend to reduce
employees’ hours in order to limit the number eligible for health care
coverage. ERISA Section 510 prohibits employers from interfering with employees’
right to participate in group health plans. (See “Court Moves Forward Interference of Health Benefits Suit.”)
ease of administration, FTE determination and reporting requirements, employers
should consider connecting their timekeeping tools, payroll administration system
and benefits administration system, according to Jensen.
considerations mentioned by Jensen include:
part-time coverage should be continued;
to continue to cover spouses or charge a surcharge for spousal coverage;
Whether to maintain a plan's grandfathered status (Jensen said employers should compare the value
of continuing to maintain grandfathered status or having the flexibility of
changing plan design);
Whether to use or create a private exchange; and
Whether to provide coverage through a public exchange in 2016 in beyond.
Jensen said small
employers (which most states define as employers with 50 or fewer employees) are
eligible to offer coverage through a public exchange in 2014, and in 2017,
states may allow larger plans to do so.
Jensen noted that “2018 seems like a long time away, but it’s time to start
planning for the excise, or 'Cadillac' tax.” The Cadillac tax is a
40% tax assessed on the value of all affected health care programs a
participant elects that exceed certain dollar cost thresholds in 2018 ($10,200
single / $27,500 family) and beyond. He said plan costs could be approaching
these limits in the near future, so it is not too early to evaluate group
health plan costs in order to avoid the tax. (See “Impending Excise Tax Driving Change for Health Benefits.”)
required by the ACA includes forms submitted to the IRS and employees about coverage
offered to employees, noted Gabriel Marinaro, an ERISA attorney specializing in
health and welfare benefits at Drinker Biddle & Reath in Chicago. Internal
Revenue Code Section 6055 and 6056 reporting was voluntary for 2014, but it is required
for 2015. The IRS has released draft forms and instructions for this reporting
(see “IRS Releases Draft Instructions for Employer ACA Reporting”). Marinaro said once
Drinker Biddle started filling out forms for clients, it recognized there is a need
for additional guidance. Employers should get with their benefits counsel now
to determine what they need to do and where there are holes for which they need
additional guidance, he said. Also, employers’ third-party administrators (TPAs)
and payroll providers need to start now encoding their systems to support the
reporting requirements.
noted that each employer member of a controlled group will need to report to
the IRS and its employees, and if an FTE works for multiple members of a controlled
group, the FTE will get separate forms from each. The forms are due February
28, 2016, or March 31, 2016, if filed electronically.
of self-insured health plans are required to obtain a health plan identifier
number no later than November 5, 2014. This requirement is delayed to November
5, 2015, for small plans with annual receipts of $5 million or less, Marinaro
noted. Self-insured plan sponsors should use the total claims paid by the employer
for a full fiscal year to determine whether their plans are small plans for
this purpose. Sponsors of flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and health savings
accounts (HSAs) do not need this identifier number, but some HRAs will need
In addition,
according to Marinaro, most self-insured health plans must submit enrollment
information for the Transitional Reinsurance Fee to the Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) by November 15, 2014. The Transitional Reinsurance Fee
was established to stabilize premiums by getting contributions from health
carriers and self-insured plans, he explained. The fees will be required each
year through 2016. Marinaro recommends plan sponsors consult with their TPAs to
figure out if they need to enroll.