Magazine Articles

Table of Contents |September 1994

Speaking in Tongues

As more non-English speakers enter the workforce, employers concerned about discrimination testing supply multilingual plan descriptions for their DC participants.
Table of Contents |September 1994

The Age Game

CIBA's pension trust is searching diligently for derivatives strategies that will help it not only to control risk but boost yield for its youthful participants.
Table of Contents |September 1994

High Fliers

The United Airlines buyout, while setting up an ESOP that will eventually own 55% of the company, preserves most of employees' current retirement benefits.
Table of Contents |September 1994

Squeezing Out Overdrafts

Higher daylight overdraft penalties are changing the way your bond brokers operate in the repo market. By encouraging tri-party repos, they hope to minimize the impact.
Table of Contents |September 1994

Navigating the Tax Reclaim Jungle

A well-defined tax reclaim strategy can mean significant savings for large international investors. But in most markets, the process is not easy.
Table of Contents |September 1994

Tax Recovery in Europe

Conditions in a selection of large markets. From BDG Management Consulting's survey of income withholding tax regimes in European markets.
Editorial |September 1994

No Such Thing as a Perfect Law

As they wrangled over details of US health care reform on Capitol Hill last summer, US legislators might have benefited from a few sidelong glances at the ERISA...
Table of Contents |July 1994

A disastrous first quarter 1994 for hedge funds

A disastrous first quarter sent hedge funds reeling. But there has been no shakeout, and observers say the risks-and rewards-of buying hedge funds are the same as before.
Table of Contents |July 1994

Samurai Fire Sale

Japanese institutions are planning to sell or restructure some 40% of their US real estate holdings. Some pension funds see opportunities.
Table of Contents |July 1994

Bad Reputation

Some plan sponsors still consider structured notes a good investment tool-so long as investors understand their inherent liquidity risks.
Table of Contents |July 1994

Beyond the Grave

Some plan sponsors that have gone to electronic payment of pension benefits are finding that reclaiming payments from dead beneficiaries is not always easy.
Table of Contents |July 1994

Beyond the Grave 2

Some plan sponsors that have gone to electronic payment of pension benefits are finding that reclaiming payments from dead beneficiaries is not always easy.
Table of Contents |July 1994

CMO Analytics Hit Main Street

A spate of new and improved CMO analytic packages promises investors a better understanding of their CMO portfolios.
Table of Contents |July 1994

Ghosts in the Machine

Derivatives have gained notoriety by wreaking havoc in some heavyweight portfolios. Now custody banks are scrambling to keep a closer eye on these quirky creations.