Master Trusts End 2012 on Positive Note

February 11, 2013 ( The median return of the BNY Mellon U.S. Master Trust Universe was 1.95% for the fourth quarter of 2012.

Performance for the typical fund was 12.57% on a year-to-date basis—the best annual performance in two years. The median plan posted positive quarterly returns for three of four quarters in 2012.    

“For 2012, corporate plans came out on top with a median return of 13.4%, followed by public plans, driven by a 16.5% annual gain in U.S. equities, compared to 7.9% for U.S. fixed income,” said John Houser, vice president and manager of Performance and Risk Analytics for BNY Mellon. Endowments recorded the highest median return for the quarter (2.26%), followed by foundations (2.20%).   

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Ninety-seven percent of plans in the BNY Mellon Master Trust universe returned positive results during the quarter. Over the prior 12-month period, 99% (611 out of 613) of plans were in the black.

Eighty-nine percent of plans matched or outperformed the custom policy return for Q4.For the full year, 65% of plans outperformed the custom policy.  

Non-U.S. equities posted a quarterly median return of 5.07%, behind the Russell Developed ex-U.S. Large Cap Index result of 5.96%. U.S. equities posted a median return of 0.78%, versus the Russell 3000 Index return of 0.25%. Non-U.S. fixed income posted a median return of 1.83%, compared to the Citigroup Non-U.S. World Government Bond Index return of -2.36%. U.S. fixed income had a median return of 0.81%, versus the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index return of 0.21%. Real estate posted a median return of 2.37%, versus the NCREIF Property Index result of 2.54%.    

The average asset allocation in the BNY Mellon U.S. Master Trust Universe for the fourth quarter was: U.S. equity 26%, U.S. fixed income 28%, non-U.S. equity 16%, non-U.S. fixed income 2%, real estate 3%, cash 1% and alternatives/other 24%.  

With a market value of more than $2.2 trillion and an average plan size of $3.4 billion, the BNY Mellon U.S. Master Trust Universe consists of more than 649 corporate, foundation, endowment, public, Taft-Hartley and health care plans.

Another KeyCorp Company Stock Suit Dismissed

February 11, 2013 ( – Another group of participants has failed to establish standing to sue KeyCorp for claims related to its 401(k) plan’s stock holdings.

U.S. District Judge Donald C. Nugent of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio found the participants failed to allege facts that, if true, would prove that they bought KeyCorp stock at inflated prices and suffered a loss when the true value was revealed to the market. “Plaintiffs do not identify a single instance in which the truth regarding some alleged prior misrepresentation was ever revealed to the market, or in which KeyCorp’s stock price dropped significantly as a result,” Nugent wrote in his opinion.  

According to the opinion, the participants admitted that the alleged misrepresentations about accounting and tax problems involving the leveraged leases and high-risk homebuilder loans were known to the market before the class period began. In addition, the KeyCorp defendants noted that the only disclosures the participants point to that were followed by a drop in KeyCorp’s stock price were announcements of new adverse developments, not corrections of earlier false statements.  

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Nugent pointed out that the facts in Metyk v. KeyCorp are identical to facts in a previous case, Taylor v. KeyCorp, which also claimed misrepresentations by KeyCorp caused its stock price to be artificially inflated. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the dismissal of the Taylor case noting that in Dura Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Broudo, the Supreme Court held that “an inflated purchase price will not itself constitute … economic loss.” Rather, stock must be purchased at an inflated price and sold at a loss for an economic injury to occur. 

Taylor disputed that out-of-pocket loss is an appropriate measure of her injury, suggesting that the court use an alternative-investment theory—that she would have made more money on her investments if her holdings had been transferred away from KeyCorp stock and placed in the S&P 500 index. The 6th Circuit held that such a measure of damages is not appropriate in this case (see “6th Circuit Affirms Dismissal of KeyCorp Stock Suit”).    

When a plaintiff alleges that the withholding of information affected share prices, “the appropriate measure of damages [is] the difference between the investment as taken and the investment as it would have been if not tainted by withheld information,” but damages based upon an entirely different investment vehicle, such as the S&P 500, are not fairly “traceable” to the defendants’ breach, the 6th Circuit found.  

Nugent likewise dismissed the Metyk case. His opinion is here.
