Millennials Are More Engaged, But Not Saving Enough
While 64% of Millennials say they have a
financial plan, most believe they are only saving half of what they should be,
according to a Nationwide Retirement Institute survey.
While the high percentage of Millennials who report having a
financial plan is encouraging, the 68% who say they are not investing enough
for retirement is highly problematic, Nationwide says. The survey reports 36% of Millennial investors
only guess at how much they need to fund their retirement, and nearly one in
four do not know if they even have a 401(k) plan.
“While it’s great that Millennial investors now have a financial
plan, they’re still coming up short when it comes to savings,” says Mike
Spangler, president of Nationwide’s mutual funds business. “To help close the
gap, we recommend that Millennials work closely with a professional financial
The survey finds 56% of Millennial investors think they
would be more financially successful with professional financial advice;
however, only 39% use a financial adviser. A majority (58%) conduct their own financial
research and make their own investment decisions, but only half are confident
they know how much to save. Of those without a financial plan, 28% feel that
creating a financial plan is overwhelming and 40% say they haven’t gotten
around to it yet.
Millennials are more likely to consult family (50%) and
websites (49%) than a financial adviser for meeting their financial
planning needs. In contrast, retirees are more likely to turn to a financial
adviser (62%), traditional media (37%), and to follow their gut feeling (36%).
“The good news is that Millennials acknowledge the value of
a professional and want to save and invest more,” Spangler adds. “The financial
industry has a real opportunity to help Millennials understand how to balance
the demands of paying for today with investing for the future.”
Additional data from the survey is presented here.
The top concern for
near-retirees? Running out of money to
cover monthly expenses, according to “Ready to Retire.” Regrets wash over many
of the figures in TIAA-CREF’s report, with more than half (52%) of people ages
55 to 64, who are approaching retirement, saying they wish they had started
saving for the future sooner.
Many survey respondents say they wish they
had made smarter financial decisions earlier in their career, including saving
more of their paycheck (47%) and investing their savings more aggressively (34%).
These regrets underscore how important it is for employees, with support from
their employers, to start thinking about retirement planning early and remain
engaged in the process throughout their careers.
Forty-five percent of respondents
ages 55 to 64 say financial readiness is the most important factor in
determining when they will retire. Yet these individuals haven’t always taken
advantage of many common retirement planning and saving strategies that could
help them feel financially prepared. Only 35% say they saved in an individual
retirement account (IRA) or met with a financial adviser; 32% have calculated
the income they would need for each year of their retirement; and 12% have
saved in a health care savings account.
Not making the most of these
options leaves many Americans feeling uncertain about their financial futures,
with 68% of those approaching retirement saying they are unprepared for what
lies ahead.
The research reinforces the idea
that preparing for retirement should not be a sprint to the finish line, but a
long-distance run that requires careful planning throughout an adult’s life,
according to Teresa Hassara, executive vice president of TIAA-CREF’s institutional
“This will help prevent those
nearing retirement from feeling like they have to play catch-up near the end of
their careers,” Hassara says. “Developing and acting on a carefully constructed
plan can help individuals at any age build a financially secure future.”
According to the survey, financial
challenges make up three of the top four concerns for individuals closing in on
retirement. Many worry about inadequate resources to cover monthly expenses (45%),
while others are anxious about how health care costs (35%) or inflation (32%)
could deplete their retirement savings. However, despite these concerns, only 10% of
this age group has purchased an annuity, the only retirement product that
guarantees an income stream for life, TIAA-CREF says.
The firm notes that according to the Social Security
Administration, a 65-year-old male in 2010 could expect to live an average of
another 17.57 years, while a woman of the same age could expect to live an
average of another 20.20 years.
These challenges are leading some
to reconsider what their retirement will look like. Forty-two percent of survey
respondents ages 55 to 64 say they plan on working a part-time job during retirement, 39% say
they'll be more conservative about how much they spend on entertainment and
other luxuries, and 23% say they will downgrade their living quarters to
something less costly. These realities may conflict with their desire for
flexibility to do “what they want, when they want” during retirement, which 57%
of this group says they are most looking forward to in their retirement years.
“If Americans find that their
retirement savings aren’t adequate to meet their expectations about retirement
life, it’s never too late to make adjustments,” Hassara says. “In fact, if a
55-year-old starts to max out his or her employer-sponsored retirement plan
contribution next year and continues to do so for the next 10 years, those
savings could grow to about $325,000. Employers and financial advisers can work
with individuals to develop a robust retirement plan at any life stage so they
can pursue the kind of retirement they envision.”
The Ready to Retire Survey was
conducted by KRC Research online between May 19 and May 28
among a sample of 1,000 employed adults, ages 18 years and older, currently
contributing to an employer-sponsored retirement plan. Data was weighted by key
demographic variables to ensure the sample is representative of the employed
population contributing to defined-contribution plans. Respondents for this
survey were selected from among those who have volunteered to participate in
online surveys and polls.
More information about the 2014
TIAA-CREF Ready to Retire Survey is available in the executive summary on TIAA-CREF’s website.