new Field Assistance Bulletin (FAB) from the Department of Labor (DOL) provides
guidance about compliance by plan administrators of single-employer defined
benefit (DB) plans with the annual funding notice requirements of section
101(f) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), as
amended by section 2003 of the Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014
extends relief provided in the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century
Act (MAP-21)—passed in 2012—which allowed defined benefit plans to discount
future benefit payments to a present value using a 25-year average of bond
rates rather than a two-year average. MAP-21 created a “corridor” of rates on
either side of a 25-year average that were permissible for discounting
purposes. If the two-year average falls outside this corridor, a company can
use the 25-year average that is closest to the two-year average in the
corridor. HATFA resets the corridor’s boundaries.
FAB 2015-01 describes the adjustment of the segment rates under HATFA. It also includes a
model annual funding notice and a Q&A about the new rules.
Pending further
guidance, the agency said it will treat a plan administrator of a single-employer
DB plan as satisfying HATFA if the plan administrator complies with the
guidance in FAB 2013-01 and the current FAB and has acted in accordance with a
good faith, reasonable interpretation of rules not specifically addressed in
those pieces of guidance. The DOL also said it will treat a funding notice for
a plan year beginning after December 31, 2012, that was issued before the
issuance FAB 2015-01 as satisfying the HATFA rules if it reflects a good faith,
reasonable interpretation.
A PIMCO Total Return Fund investor lawsuit calls into question compensation paid to former co-chief investment officers and co-chief executive officers Mohamed El-Erian and Bill Gross.
Robert Kenny is suing Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (PIMCO) and
PIMCO Investments LLC, alleging the company received excessive compensation that
had no relationship to the services rendered.
lawsuit claims the excessive compensation received by the investment company through the PIMCO Total Return
Fund, Kenny and the other fund shareholders is so disproportionately large that
it could not have been the product of arm’s-length negotiations.
seeks to rescind the investment advisory agreements, the supervisory and
administration agreements, and the distribution and servicing agreements the fund
has entered into with PIMCO, and to recover the amounts charged by PIMCO or,
alternatively, recover any improper compensation retained by PIMCO in an alleged breach of
its fiduciary duty under Section 36(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (ICA).
The complaint states that because the excessive compensation is continuing in
nature, Kenny seeks recovery for a period commencing at the earliest date in
light of any applicable statute of limitations through the date of final
judgment after trial.
The lawsuit calls into question compensation paid to former co-chief investment officers and co-chief executive officers Mohamed El-Erian and William H. Gross. Gross is PIMCO’s founder and started the PIMCO Total Return Fund in May 1987.
complaint notes that the fund was until recently the largest mutual fund in the
world. At the close of the fiscal year 2013 (i.e. March 31, 2014), the PIMCO
Total Return Fund held more than $230 billion in assets under management.
However, according to
the complaint, as the increase in assets in the fund led to larger and larger
amounts of compensation being paid to the PIMCO, the fund’s performance
suffered. In 2012, the fund failed to outperform its benchmark, and 60% of the fund’s
peers outperformed the fund. In 2013, the fund lost 1.92% and trailed 70% of
its peers in its worst performance since 1994. In calendar year 2013, for
example, shareholders in Class A of the Fund saw returns of -5.97% before
taxes, while shareholders of Class B shares saw returns of -6.36% before taxes.
complaint argues that the fund’s poor performance has shaken up management at
PIMCO. In early 2014,
El-Erian announced his departure after purportedly butting heads with Gross over management of the fund. In
a move that shocked investors, Gross also left the firm in September 2014, leaving to join competitor Janus Capital Group. News of
both El-Erian’s and Gross’s departures compounded the poor results of the fund
and led to billions of dollars in redemptions, the complaint
notes. As of September 2014, the fund had seen outflows of investors for 16
months, totaling more than $60 billion in redemptions.
lawsuit alleges that despite this poor performance, the compensation PIMCO has
received for its work for the fund and fund complex has remained excessive and
has led to extraordinary payments to its executives. Last year alone, PIMCO paid
more than $1.5 billion in bonuses and compensation to Gross and El-Erian. According
to the complaint, PIMCO claims that the compensation it pays “is designed to
pay competitive compensation and reward performance, integrity and teamwork
consistent with the firm’s mission statement,” but no other executive officer
of a peer publicly-traded financial company came close to either of these
bonuses on an individual level. It notes that one must aggregate the compensation
of the CEOs of 20 publicly-held peer finance companies to come close to the
amount of money Gross took home last year.
lawsuit cites hearings before the Subcommittee on Commerce and Finance of the U.S.
House Committee
on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, in which one participant said the essence
of a claim for unfair fees is “whether or not under all the circumstances the
transaction carries the earmarks of an arm’s length bargain.” The participant
also noted that a breach of fiduciary duty occurs “when a fiduciary permits an
unreasonable or excessive fee to be levied on the fund,” or “when compensation
to the adviser for his services is excessive, in view of the services
rendered—where the fund pays what is an unfair fee under the circumstances.”
complaint charts the fees charged by PIMCO for both institutional and retail
class shares. It says for the fiscal year 2013, PIMCO received $641,047,097 in
investment adviser fees and $608,321,040 in supervisory and administrative fees
from the PIMCO Total Return Fund, for a total received of more than $1.2
billion. The complaint alleges various analysts criticized these fees,
including one who said: “Pimco’s expense ratios for Total Return are no better
than average, which seems ridiculous for a fund so large, and its prospects are
The lawsuit accuses
PIMCO of raising fees over the years and not using the fund’s economy of scale
to lower fees. The complaint explains that economies of scale are created when
(as with the Total Return Fund) assets under management increase more quickly
than the cost of advising and managing those assets. It notes that the work
required to operate a mutual fund does not increase proportionately with the
assets under management.
In a statement to PLANSPONSOR, PIMCO said, "PIMCO believes this lawsuit is without merit and
intends to vigorously defend itself."