Most Employers Use Wellness Incentives, Disincentives

May 8, 2013 ( – Eighty-two percent of companies responding to a recent survey offer some form of wellness incentives and/or disincentives.

There is also a growing interest in outcomes-based incentive strategies (i.e., reaching targeted biometric goals), according to the study conducted by the Midwest Business Group on Health (MBGH).  

Thirteen percent of employers are already offering outcomes-based incentives and 28% are planning to launch programs over the next one to two years, while 40% indicated interest, but need more information. Of those currently offering outcomes-based programs, 54% tie incentives to both outcomes-based measures (i.e., meeting specific targets such as BMI of 25) and improvements in outcomes (i.e., percentage decrease in BMI), versus one or the other.   

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Onsite clinical screening programs are used by 94% of employers as the way to capture biometrics with the top measurements being:  86% blood pressure, 81% BMI, 73% cholesterol, 68% glucose, and A1c and waist circumference tied at 59% each.

Eighteen percent of employers are experiencing participation levels of more than 90% for outcomes-based programs; while the majority (60%) is experiencing participating levels of 40% to 80%. Employers indicate that 98% of employee feedback is "somewhat positive" to "very positive."   

Ninety-five percent of employers find some level of difficulty in implementing an outcomes-based program.   

Of the 18% of employers who reported not offering incentives or disincentives, 53% indicated the reason was that it was not part of their corporate culture, and 47% are not sure it works.   

For those employers offering incentives, 62% reduce premiums, 38% use gift cards and 35% offer merchandise. Of those employers that use disincentives, 43% increase employee share of premiums for noncompliance, and 14% have higher plan deductibles or out of pocket fees.

Activities that most employers' incented included biometric screenings (70%) and health risk assessments (78%), with the greatest disincentive (78%) being used for tobacco use.   

The monetary value of incentives programs varies widely, with $250 to $500 for 27% of those offering programs, $100 to $250 for 22% of employers and $500 to $1,000 for another 22% of firms.   

Employers indicated that 71% found their incentive strategy was "very successful" or "successful" and 45% viewed their disincentive strategy as "very successful" or "successful."   

With the Affordable Care Act (ACA), in 2014, allowing employers to increase their incentives from 20% to 30% of total coverage, nearly 67% said they are "very likely" or "likely" to do so and nearly 36% are "not very likely" or "not likely." For tobacco users, the ACA allows employers to increase the value from 20% to 50%, with 48% of employers indicating they are "very likely" to "likely" to do so, and 52% "not very likely" to "not likely."  

Nearly 100 employers completed the online survey conducted in April 2013. The responses represented businesses from a variety of industries and sizes. A summary of the findings is available here.
