Most Telecommuters Actually Work When Home

September 15, 2011 ( – New results from a CareerBuilder survey on telecommuting show nearly one-in-five (17%) of Americans who telecommute at least part of the time spend one hour or less per day on work; however 35% work eight or more hours per day and 40% work between four and seven hours per day. 

CareerBuilder noted that in its 2007 study, only 18% of telecommuters said they worked eight or more hours per day.

In addition, the survey found 37% of telecommuters say they are more productive at the office, while 29% report they are more productive at home. Thirty-four percent do not see a difference, stating they are equally productive at home and the office.

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The national survey – conducted May 19 to June 8, 2011, with nearly 5,300 employees – reveals Americans are able to work from home on a more regular basis post-recession. Ten percent telecommute at least once a week – up from 8% in 2007, according to a press release.

Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of Human Resources at CareerBuilder, said in the announcement: “[T]o avoid situations where telecommuters aren’t putting in the necessary time, managers need to be clear about expectations and establish daily objectives. The autonomy of working from home can be very rewarding so long as it doesn’t diminish productivity.”

While most offices have their fair share of productivity roadblocks, home is hardly a disturbance-free zone. Telecommuters say the following are the biggest distractions:

•  Household chores – 31%

•  TV – 26%

•  Pets – 23%

•  Errands – 19%

•  Internet – 18%

•  Children – 15%
