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Enron Stirs Up Retirement Fears

February 22, 2002 ( - Although the Enron collapse has made workers more aware of their retirement savings, it has not garnered support for greater regulation, a poll...
Administration |

Insider Trading Alleged at Utah Fund

February 10, 2003 ( - Richard Cherry, the chief investment officer of Utah's $11.5 billion public employee retirement fund, is being investigated for allegedly making "personal investments that...
Administration |

Kmart: Our 401K Plan Is Still Safe

January 22, 2002 ( - In court papers filed as part of beleaguered retailer Kmart Corp.'s bankruptcy petition, the company signaled a desire to avoid being ensnared in...
Administration |

US Execs Pay Envelopes Shrink

January 22, 2002 ( - A sign that the US recession affects everyone, the nation's highest-paid executives got almost 5% less in their pay envelopes in 2001, according...
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NASD Mediates More in 2001

January 22, 2002 ( - Almost 1,400 securities disputes went to the NASD Dispute Resolution for arbitration and mediation during 2001, an increase of 24% from previous year.
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MFS Expects To Be Charged in Fund Probe

December 9, 2003 ( - Massachusetts Financial Services Co. (MFS) is battening down the hatches in anticipation of fraud charges from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)...
Administration |

ATRS Taps Putnam Replacement Managers

December 9, 2003 ( - The state of Arkansas Teacher Retirement System (ATRS) has hired two money managers to replace the embattled Putnam Investments, which ATRS fired last...
Administration |

DoL Sues Ill. Exec Over Plan Debts

December 9, 2003 ( - The US Department of Labor (DoL) has filed a lawsuit against the executive of Omni Circuits, Inc., in Glenview, Ill., to block any...