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Shades of Enron at Tyco

June 6, 2002 ( - While Tyco's troubles may mirror Enron's, workers there are comforted by the knowledge that their situation is not as dire as that of...
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NASD Pitches Analysts out

June 6, 2002 ( - A new rule adopted by the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) would challenge a common practice of securities firms in which analysts...
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Tech Jobs to Bounce Back

May 6, 2002 ( - When the tech bubble burst, thousands of tech industry jobs disappeared along with it - an estimated 5% or half million jobs in...
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AMVESCAP Forms Private Equity Co

May 6, 2002 ( - AMVESCAP is merging its INVESCO Private Capital and Sovereign Financial Services units to better focus their resources on private equity partnership investing, AMVESCAP...
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Convertibles Heat up

May 18, 2001 ( - The US convertible bond market is sizzling. Overall issuance in this market reached $14.5 billion, a new monthly record, after Merrill Lynch &...