
Administration |

FRS17 Implementation Delay Seen

July 2, 2002 ( - In a reprieve from what many pension officials felt was a draconian accounting rule, the UK Accounting Standards Board (ASB) is expected to...
Administration |

House Votes to Reduce SEC Fees

June 14, 2001 ( - The House of Representatives voted 404-22, to reduce fees charged for stock transactions, a measure that would save investors about $14 billion over...
Administration |

UK Employer Group Opposes FRS17

April 2, 2002 ( - Another UK employer group has come out in opposition to Financial Reporting Standard 17 (FRS17), the new UK accounting regulation on how companies...
Administration |

Florida Fund Squeezes Investments

January 2, 2002 ( - Public pension funds are becoming increasingly aggressive on the securities litigation front - with the Florida State Board of Administration (FSBA) at the...