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Canadian Women Manage Their Money

December 13, 2001 ( - Canadian women want to manage their own investments, but 40% say that they lack confidence in their investment abilities, according to a survey...
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Fund Manager Testifies in Unilever Case

November 13, 2001 ( - Alistair Lennard, the portfolio manager labeled a "wild card" by lawyers for Unilever's Superannuation Fund (USF) testified in the pension fund's £130 million...
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Phoenix to Acquire Kayne Anderson Rudnick

November 13, 2001 ( - Phoenix Investment Partners, Ltd., the asset management subsidiary of The Phoenix Companies, Inc., will acquire a majority interest in Kayne Anderson Rudnick Investment...
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Wunderlich Acquires J. Michael-Patrick

November 13, 2001 ( - Wunderlich Securities acquired J. Michael-Patrick, an institutional and retail investment boutique specializing in equity research and investment services for pension funds, money managers,...
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AIMR Seeks Comments on Global Standards

October 24, 2000 ( - The Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR) wants to know what you think about modifications to its guidelines to make them comparable...
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Franklin Acquires Fiduciary Trust International

October 25, 2000 ( - In yet another investment manager consolidation, Franklin Resources has agreed to acquire Fiduciary Trust Company International in an all-stock transaction valued at approximately...
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Average 401(k) Balances Show Signs of Aging

August 13, 2001( - The "average" 401(k) plan participant balance slipped just 0.1% last year, but older participants fared worse, according to preliminary research from by the Investment...
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Barclays Abandons BGI Sale Plans

August 1, 2002 ( - Barclays Plc has decided to expand its fund management arm Barclays Global Investors (BGI) rather than putting it on the auction block.