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AIMR Working On Analyst Guidelines

July 13, 2001 ( - The Association for Investment Management Research (AIMR) says it will issue "Research Objectivity Standards" in three months, offering a best practices guideline for...
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Strong Nets PA Money Manager

July 1, 2002 ( - Strong Financial Corporation has agreed to acquire a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania investment advisory firm. Terms were not disclosed.
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BB&T Picks up Benefits Company

May 1, 2002 ( - A Raleigh, North Carolina insurance broker has expanded its employee benefits service line by agreeing to acquire a benefits consulting shop.
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IBM Shareholders Reject Cash Balance Vote

April 25, 2000 ( - IBM shareholders overwhelmingly rejected a nonbinding shareholder proposal that would have called on the computer giant to offer all employees the same choice...
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Staggered Boards Hurt Shareholders

April 1, 2002 ( - New research on the practice of staggering the terms of corporate boards finds that it slashed shareholder returns as much as 10% for...