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Report Foresees Steep Healthcare Increases

August 9, 2002 ( - If insurer projections are accurate, plan sponsors could still be looking at some hefty healthcare increases this year and next, according to a...
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Workers Get Attack of Nerves in July

August 6, 2002 ( - With a continuing whirlwind of scandal swirling around the corporate world, it's no wonder employees are growing more fretful of their employer's and...
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Venture Cap CEOs Pay Crimped

August 5, 2002 ( - Pay raises have been harder to come by this year, even for venture capital CEOs, according to a new survey.
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Religious SOP Falls to EEOC Suit

August 5, 2002 ( - An employer whose religious practices were "its standard operating procedure" has lost a case brought by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
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New Grads Get Fewer Offers, Lower Pay

August 5, 2002 ( - Employers are apparently making fewer job offers to college grads - and for less money - than a year ago, according to a...
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2002 Raises Get Reality "Check"

August 1, 2002 ( - In yet another sign of the ailing economy, many companies have slashed the size of their raises from the levels they estimated a...
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English-Only Practice Barred

July 31, 2002 ( - A federal judge has signed a consent decree against an employer who allegedly refused to allow workers to speak Spanish on the job.
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CFO Heads Continuing Rolling in July

July 31, 2002 ( - The nation's laser-like focus on corporate accounting continues to leave blood on the floor as chief financial officers (CFO) get shown the door...
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I'm OK, Are YOU?

July 30, 2002 ( - A new report indicates that a quarter of the American workforce experiences at least one mental or substance abuse disorder each year -...
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Franklin Flows Picking Up

July 26, 2002 ( - Better times have restored some of the luster to employee paychecks at Franklin Resources.
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Bright Future Seen for HRAs

July 3, 2002 ( - Recently issued tax clarification about health care reimbursement arrangements (HRA) is likely to prompt more employers to adopt an HRA as a low-cost...