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Canadian Companies See 11% Hiring Jump

June 4, 2002 ( - Canadian chief information officers predict a net 11% hiring increase for information technology (IT) professionals during the third quarter of 2002, according to...
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Workers Report Boss Tongue Lashings

June 4, 2002 ( - At one time or another, most people have experienced the deflating feeling from getting a workplace tongue lashing from a supervisor. A recent...
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Drug Costs Buoyant but Should Sink

June 4, 2002 ( - The bad news from a national survey of prescription drug benefits was that 2002 drug spending is expected to jump 15.9% due both...
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CEOs Continue to Head for the Exits

June 3, 2002 ( month chief executive officers left their positions in record numbers according to a study by Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc.
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Dot.Com Doors Still Spinning

May 30, 2002 ( - The doors at companies were spinning at top speed in May as the number of layoffs tripled, new statistics show.
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SEC, Union Clash Over Pay Hikes

May 30, 2002 ( - A union representing 2,000 of the US Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) 3,000 employees is battling with the agency over how to spend...
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Resume Puffery a Common Problem

May 29, 2002 ( - Puffing up one's resume is apparently a pretty common thing, according to the latest New York Times job survey.
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Some Workers More Loyal than Others

May 28, 2002 ( - Workers are generally still loyal to their employers, but the strength of that feeling varies greatly from country to country and among different...
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Work, Workers Leave Desks

May 28, 2002 ( - Workers are spending less time at their desks - and more time standing - according to the Steelcase Workplace Index Survey.
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HR Pro Needs Business Knowledge

May 28, 2002 ( - Knowledge of business fundamentals is the most important skill that a human resources professional can bring to the table, a survey found.
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Using the Office Loo

May 24, 2002 ( - A trip to the lavatory may seem like a good opportunity for a quick emotional breakdown or just to enjoy a few luxurious...
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Fridays Now a Prime Firing Day

May 24, 2002 ( - Fridays may be the favorite workday for many people because they herald the coming weekend, but it also may be the day they...
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Disability Seminar Info on EEOC Web Site

May 24, 2002 ( - The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has posted information regarding its ongoing series of small business seminars on hiring the disabled to...
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Women Lag Men on Pensions

May 23, 2002 ( - Women 65 years old and older are about half as likely to have pension income as men. Those who do, get about half...
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Employees Rank Medical Insurance First

May 22, 2002 ( - Employees rank medical insurance, paid vacations and retirement plans as their most important benefits, a new survey by AON consulting finds.