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Knowing Workers' Change Styles

April 9, 2002 ( - When it comes to thriving in a marketplace that seems to recreate itself all the time, top executives can rest assured that most...
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Corporate Online Recruiting Hot

April 8, 2002 ( - Health care continues to be the sector in which Global 500 corporations rely the most on Web sites as a recruiting tool with...
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Retail Jobs Feel 9/11 Aftershock

April 8, 2002 ( - Three-quarters of the job cuts announced in the retail sector in the last year occurred after the September terrorist attacks, according to a...
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Teachers Salaries Battle to Keep Pace

April 8, 2002 ( - Teachers' salaries barely kept pace with inflation in the 1990s, increasing by only 31% compared to the wages of full-time workers, which the...
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WorldCom Workers Cry Discrimination

April 8, 2002 ( - A group of WorldCom workers has accused the telecommunications company of discriminating against them based on race, age and sex.
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DoL to Unveil Ergonomic Guidelines

April 5, 2002 ( - The Labor Department will develop voluntary guidelines for certain industries to cut down on workplace injuries, replacing the Clinton-era regulations rejected by Congress...
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Return to Full Employment Predicted

April 4, 2002 ( - If the economy rebounds with even half the vigor of past recoveries, the US could return to full employment within 12 months, research...
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In-Depth: Rethinking Auto Enrollment

April 4, 2002 ( - McDonald's Corporation's recent decision to discontinue its automatic enrollment program raised a few eyebrows. After all, the famed franchise was the first to...
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Time Important for Women Employees

April 2, 2002 ( - Employers seeking to attract and retain women need to emphasize results and not the hours spent in the office, a consulting firm says.
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Discrimination Suits Linger at Coke

April 3, 2002 ( - Despite Coca-Cola's $192.5 million race bias settlement, a dissident group of African-American coke workers are pressing ahead to have their claims decided by...
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UK Job Seekers Stretch the Truth

April 3, 2002 ( - Lies on job applications during the last quarter of 2001 jumped by 20% with 30-something men most likely to tell tall employment tales,...
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Fatigue Impedes Productivity

April 2, 2002 ( can be dangerous - at least that's what the findings of Circadian Technology's most recent Shiftwork Practices survey suggest.
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March Layoff Announcements Drop 20%

April 2, 2002 ( - In March, layoff announcements at US firms fell to the lowest level in 10 months, according to data from outplacement firm Challenger, Gray...
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Job Applicants Fib on Resumes

April 1, 2002 ( - Nearly half the information supplied on employment applications differs from that supplied by past employers, a study from ADP Screening and Selection Services...