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Stock Overhang Levels Spike after 5-Year Fall

January 4, 2002 ( - Average stock option overhang levels increased to 14.6% in 2000, from 13% the previous year, reversing a five-year trend during which overhang growth...
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Networking Specialists Still a 'Hot Job'

January 4, 2002 ( - Demand for technology workers may have slacked off after the boom in the nineties, but human resources professionals should still be keeping their...
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Job Cuts Topped Two Million in 2001

January 3, 2002 ( - The number of jobs lost last year was the highest since Challenger, Gray and Christmas started keeping count in 1993, according to data...
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Participants Plan Higher Contributions in 2002

January 3, 2002 ( - Almost three-quarters of American savers with a workplace retirement plan will likely increase their contributions in 2002 following the passage of the Economic...
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Towers: Watch Out for "Job Scanners"

January 2, 2002 ( - Employees who are actively job searching or would jump on a lucrative offer are, job scanners, who represent 'a potential time bomb' for...
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Tech Job Losses Slowing

December 31, 2001 ( - Fewer laid-off technology workers hit the street in December, with the lowest number of announced monthly firings in 18 months, according to a...
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Time in The Trenches Adds Up For Female Engineers

December 28, 2001 ( - Professional women with more than two decades of experience in electro-technology and information-technology industries have higher median incomes than their male counterparts, a...
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Help-Wanted Index Plummets Since Last Year

December 27, 2001 ( - The number of help-wanted advertisements across the country dipped by 2%, from 46 to 45 between October and November, according to the Conference...
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Workers Postpone Retirement Plans

December 27, 2001 ( - The performance of the stock market this year has left 401(k) balances substantially thinner than they were during the tech boom, causing those...
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Watson Wyatt Goes Trend Spotting

December 27, 2001 ( - In identifying its top human resources technology trends for 2002, Watson Wyatt Worldwide examined those that produce tangible bottom-line benefits, finding that trends...
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Job Cuts at Record Highs in 2001

December 27, 2001 ( - Between January and the close of November 2001, companies announced almost 1.8 million job cuts - almost triple the 2000 total and the...
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Small Businesses See Few K Plan Options

December 26, 2001 ( - While almost 70% of small business owners sponsor a 401(k) plan, less than half considered more than one retirement-plan alternative, a new survey...
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Ford Settles Another Employment Suit

December 24, 2001 ( Ford Motor has agreed to a $300,000 settlement of an employment-related racial harassment suit, according to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). It...