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Naughty or Nice? Santa's Clauses

December 24, 2001 ( ? Not that there is a standard life insurance policy for 'jolly old elves,' but Northwestern Mutual's underwriters have devoted some time to the...
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Online Access to Plan Information Surges

December 24, 2001 ( - More plan sponsors are getting with the information age by allowing participants access to around the clock plan information, according to a survey...
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Eligibility, Vesting Requirements Getting Looser

December 24, 2001 ( - Plan sponsors may be more paternalistic than is commonly believed and many are liberalizing the eligibility and vesting requirements of their plans, according...
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Employers Strike the Match

December 21, 2001 ( - As economic times get tougher, companies are snipping costs right and left and matching contributions to employee 401(k) plans are one of the...
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Quantitative Goals Beat Softer Targets

December 21, 2001 ( - Companies that focus their HR technology initiatives on making specific, quantifiable improvements see increases in the company's market value, while those with softer...
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Bonus Outlook Bleak in 2002

December 21, 2001 ( Two-fifths of companies expect to make significant reductions in the bonuses they pay to their executives in 2002, a Towers Perrin study finds.
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Ford Settles Appraisal System Suit

December 18, 2001 ( - Ford Motor Co. will pay $10.5 million to settle two class-action lawsuits, which charge that their performance appraisal system discriminated against older, white...
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Healthcare Costs To Rise Faster in 2002

December 18, 2001 ( - Healthcare costs for employers will continue to increase at a faster rate, according to a new survey conducted to determine next year's increases...
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Another Viagra Suit Takes Flight

December 14, 2001 ( - A flight attendant has filed suit against American Airlines, charging that the carrier's health plan discriminates against women.
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US Workers Stressing Out

December 14, 2001 ( - Workplace stress is a major problem for 9% of employees, and affects two-thirds of workers at least occasionally, according to the Second Annual...
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Service Sets Severance Standard

December 13, 2001 ( - Most US and Canadian companies offer laid-off employees severance pay based on their length of service, a Towers Perrin study found.
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Hand Wringing Over Hand Washing

December 12, 2001 ( - Employers stand to lose millions of dollars in productivity this winter as workers stay home to battle colds and flu, yet more than...