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PBGC Extends Interest Rate Relief

March 22, 2004 ( - With pension relief legislation still in limbo, and a key filing date rapidly approaching, defined benefit plan sponsors nonetheless got some welcome relief...
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IRS Increasing Focus on Large DB, DC Plans

March 19, 2004 ( - The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is directing more attention to its Employee Plan Team Audits (EPTA) program in preparation of increased scrutiny...
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Court Says Release Not a COBRA Notice

March 17, 2004 (—A federal court in New York ruled that a company owed an employee who became a qualified beneficiary a formal COBRA notice within the specified...
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DoL, ULLICO Reach Settlement

March 16, 2004 ( - A consent judgement has been reached in a case of pension plan assets used by the fund's advisor and life insurance company to...
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401(k) Committee Members May Have Breached Duties

March 16, 2004 (佩(k) administrative plan committee members may have breached their fiduciary duties by "encouraging" plan participants to examine financial reports that, unbeknownst to the participants, contained...
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SEC Proposes Fund Manager Disclosures

March 11, 2004 ( - A new proposal by federal regulators designed to help curb abusive mutual fund trading would give investors detailed data about the managers of...
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Employees Entitled To State Benefits

November 27, 2002 ( - The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that severance agreements cannot prevent employees from seeking state unemployment compensation, according to a story...