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Latest WorldCom Participant Suit Filed

September 16, 2002 ( - An Oklahoma City law firm is the latest to sue WorldCom over allegations the former telecommunications giant violated ERISA by the way it...
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Grassley Calls For End to Executive Tax Shields

April 9, 2003 ( - Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) is recommending Congress tighten current tax laws that allow corporate executives to obfuscate their income from taxes without consequence.
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Family Time Bill Heads for Full House

April 9, 2003 ( - The US House of Representatives Education & the Workforce Committee approved the Family Time Flexibility Act (HR 1119), that would allow private sector...
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DoL Releases Final MEWA Determinations

April 8, 2003 ( - Plan sponsors have some guidance in determining whether an employee welfare benefit plan is collectively bargained, and thus exempt from state regulation of...
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CSFB Suit Alleges FLSA Violation

August 28, 2001 ( - A suit seeking class action status has been filed against Credit Suisse First Boston Corp. on behalf of clerical workers who charge that...
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Top 10 Failures Add Up Per PBGC Report

August 23, 2001 ( - The firms presenting the ten largest claims have accounted for more than half of all claims against the nation's pension insurance system over...
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EEOC Offers ADA Primer for Small Biz

August 16, 2002 ( - The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has released a new handbook to help employers deal with the provisions of the Americans with...