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Apple Slapped with Discrimination Suit

November 7, 2001( - Apple Computers has found itself at the core of a $40 million suit, which claims that an African American former employee was denied promotions...
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Supreme Court Ponders ADA Reach

November 7, 2001( - The Supreme Court wrestled with the question of how disabled a person must be in order to qualify for protection under the Americans with...
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SEC Calls for Active ETF Comments

November 7, 2001 ( -The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)has asked for public comment on regulation of actively managed exchange-traded funds, or ETFs.
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Ways & Means Greenlights Advice Bill

November 7, 2001( - The Ways & Means Committee approved the Retirement Security Advice Act authored by Education & the Workforce Chairman John Boehner (R-Ohio), by a vote...
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Industry Pros Converge on Coverage

August 7, 2001 ( -Recently a diverse group of retirement industry professionals converged in the nation's capital to drum up ideas to increase participation in qualified plans.
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Bush Inks Pension Reform

June 7, 2001 ( - President Bush provided taxpayers with $1.35 trillion in relief - and plan sponsors with some long-awaited pension relief - today by signing the...
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Medicare HMO Patients Win California Victory

May 7, 2001 ( - The California Supreme Court handed Medicare HMO beneficiaries a major victory last week, acknowledging the right to sue health maintenance organizations for damages...
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Regulators Probing Possible IPO Kickbacks

May 7, 2001 ( - An investigation into the alleged misallocation of initial public share offerings (IPO), which has targeted investment banks and their institutional clients, may broaden...
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House Votes To Scrap Ergonomics Rules

March 7, 2001 ( - The House of Representatives has voted to scrap the new ergonomics standards, sending the bill on to President Bush for his expected signature.
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Chao Launches New DoL Agency

March 7, 2001 ( - Labor Secretary Elaine Chao has announced plans to create a new agency within the Department of Labor, called the Office of the 21st...