A hardy banking industry, strong health care services and solid economic performance have kept Switzerland’s retirement system at the top of Natixis’ 2015 Global Retirement Index.
A new academic research paper reexamines how pension costs were related to defaults and bankruptcies at high-profile U.S. corporations in the airline, automotive and steel manufacturing industries.
The Center for American Progress contends millions of Americans are in danger of not having enough money to maintain their standard of living in retirement, and the problem...
The good news from a new TIAA-CREF survey is that Americans acknowledge the importance of a lifetime income plan. The bad news: Few take action to create one.
Many older Americans are taking on debt at a time when they should be focused on savings and retirement investments, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute.
The American Academy of Actuaries evaluated how well public and private retirement systems—and proposals to reform them—meet the needs of participants, sponsors and other stakeholders.
Despite concerns about their employees' ability to save enough for retirement, few nonprofit 403(b) plan sponsors use targeted education or offer financial wellness programs.