Deals and People

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GoldK COO Departs

January 24, 2002 ( - GoldK Chief Operating Officer Radu Pasovschi has stepped down, the online retirement services firm announced Thursday.
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Bush Shores up SEC

January 23, 2002 ( - As the tendrils of the Enron debacle continue to expand, President Bush took steps to fill two vacancies on the Securities and Exchange...
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Jeffrey Peek To Manage CSFB Operations

December 19, 2001 ( - Jeffrey Peek has been appointed to head up Credit Suisse First Boston's asset gathering operations, replacing Phillip Colebatch, who will retire early next...
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CalSTRS Taps Ehnes as CEO

December 11, 2001 ( - Jack Ehnes, 50, has been selected as the new Chief Executive Officer of the California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS), the nation's third...
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Chao Names Kandarian Head of PBGC

November 29, 2001 ( - Labor Secretary Elaine Chao announced that Steven Kandarian has been tapped to head up the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).
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Colgrove Appointed Director at EEOC

November 16, 2001 ( - Ann Colgrove has been appointed Director of the Office of Communications and Legislative Affairs (OCLA) at the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).