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FTSE in Partnership for Currency Indexes

June 23, 2009 ( - FTSE Group and Record plc, a specialist currency investment manager, have hashed out an agreement to create a new range of currency Forward...
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Firms Jointly Launch New Roth Site

June 23, 2009 ( - Convergent Retirement Plan Solutions of Brainerd, Minnesota, and Archimedes Systems, of Waltham, Massachusetts, have jointly launched a Web site,, to help educate...
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Zurich Firm Launches U.S. Sustainability Fund

June 22, 2009 ( - SAM Sustainable Asset Management (SAM), a Zurich-based investment firm, has launched a new mutual fund for U.S. investors, the SAM Sustainable Global Active...
Administration |

Lawyers Sue over NY Benefits Cutoff

June 22, 2009 ( - The controversy over Long Island, New York, private lawyers being cut off from collecting some or all of their public pensions continues as...
Benefits |

Workers Don't Want Overload of Fee Info

June 22, 2009 ( - When asked what level of detail they would like to receive in information about retirement plan fees, only 31% of workers surveyed said...