Latest News

Administration |

Chrysler to Drop 401(k) Match

November 1, 2001 ( - Chrysler will suspend its already trimmed 401(k) matching contributions in a cost-cutting measure and also plans to increase the number of jobs targeted...
Administration |

CalPERS Backs Off Hedge Plans

November 13, 2000 ( - The nation's largest public pension system has officially - and dramatically - cut back on previously announced plans to invest as much as...
Products |

S&P, Unifi Team For Bank of America Web Site

November 13, 2000 ( - Standard & Poor's and PricewaterhouseCoopers' Unifi Network have rolled out their first joint alliance product, a one-stop retirement planning Web site.
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FleetBoston Goes with Financial Engines

November 13, 2000 ( - FleetBoston's Fleet Retirement Plan Services has selected Financial Engines to provide investment advice to participants of their defined contribution clients.
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First Union Launches New e401k

November 1, 2001 ( - First Union Benefit Services Group (BSG) has launched a new product, the Evergreen Connect k, an internet-based 401(k) product.
Compliance |

CIO Mayall on Defensive in Unilever Suit

November 1, 2001 ( - Wendy Mayall, chief investment officer of Unilever Superannuation Fund (USF) was on the defensive, in the group's £130 million negligence suit against Merrill...
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Cancer Fund Open for Business

November 1, 2001( - AMIDEX Fund's Cancer Innovations & Healthcare Mutual Fund, the first index-based mutual fund focused on cancer cure companies, is open for business.
Administration |

AMEX Offers Exchange-Traded Fund Options

October 13, 2000 ( - Plan sponsors now have an additional investment "option" as the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) begins trading options on selected exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
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AMIDEX Offers Cancer Cure Fund

October 1, 2001( -AMIDEX Mutual Funds, Inc. has launched the first index mutual fund that allows investors to support the battle against cancer.
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HedgeWorld Offers "Alternative" Info Source

October 1, 2001( - Investors with an eye on alternative investments now have access to audio and video presentations on hedge funds through's new online service, HedgeWorld...
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E*Trade Now Offering S&P Stock Baskets

October 1, 2001 ( - E*TRADE Group, Inc. launched E*TRADE Stock Baskets, a service that allows E*TRADE's brokerage customers to build a portfolio with a single investment.
Compliance |

Boehner Bill Markup Vote Scheduled

October 1, 2001( -This week the House Education & the Workforce Committee will conduct its markup on the so-called "Boehner?" bill, which attempts to broaden worker access to...