Break from the Grind

Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

Near Birmingham, England, doctors readying a 67-year-old woman for cataract surgery discovered that a “blueish mass” in one of her eyes was actually 17 contact lenses mashed together,...
Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In Brighton, England, a Ferrari driver ignored warning signs about not parking on the ninth level of the city’s marina parking deck overnight on Saturdays. He returned Sunday...
Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In Yunnan Province, China, a tourist was trying on a jade bracelet when a salesperson told her about the bracelet’s $44,000 price tag, according to People’s Daily. When...
Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In Chelsea, Massachusetts, a 2-year-old boy owes his life to a stuffed cow. The Boston Globe reports that the boy was bouncing on his bed and accidentally sailed...
Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In North Oakland, Pennsylvania, a man is facing charges for threatening to shoot employees at an Indian restaurant. The restaurant owner told police the suspect showed up in...