Break from the Grind

Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In Bad Muenstereifel, Germany, a man lost his wedding ring three years ago, while gardening. Picking carrots in his garden this year, he was surprised to find the...
Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In Portland, Oregon, a woman realized her red Subaru was missing from her driveway. She and her husband watched their home’s security footage and saw a woman leisurely...
Break from the Grind |

What Makes Workers Happy?

Happiness at work varies by an employee’s age, gender and field, among other factors, according to a study of more than 12,000 U.S. and Canadian workers by Robert...
Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In Tuscon, Arizona, a man locked himself out of his house and decided to try and get in through the chimney. However, he became stuck there for four...
Break from the Grind |

SURVEY SAYS: Which Dwarf Are You?

Last week, I asked NewsDash readers, “Which of the seven dwarfs from “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” personifies you most―Dopey, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy or Doc―and...
Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In Landaff, New Hampshire, a couple’s wedding was delayed for hours―because the groom’s mother went for a walk. According to the Associated Press, the mother had gone for...