Break from the Grind

Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In Los Angeles, California, authorities questioned the back-injury disability pay for a police officer after seeing a new video. The video posted online shows the officer picking up...
Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

If you have a wrist tattoo, a warning about the new Apple Watch. Users have reported that tattoos cause the watch to lose connection and require them to...
Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In Crawley, West Sussex, England, a 57-year-old woman who has suffered agoraphobia for years has been working on overcoming the debilitating disease. She left her home for the...
Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In Changsha, Hunan Province, China, a man was taken to the hospital after a car accident with non-life-threatening injuries. After doctors contacted his relatives, they and hospital staff...