Break from the Grind

Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In Barberton, Ohio, an assisted living facility has created a charity calendar with participation from residents. According to the Associated Press, the models for the calendar are in...
Break from the Grind |

Workplaces Getting in on the Game

Half (50%) of senior managers interviewed by OfficeTeam said activities tied to the college basketball playoffs boost employee morale, and more than one-third (36%) felt March Madness has...
Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a father and his 18-year-old son began arguing about the lack of orange juice at their home. Reuters reports that the argument escalated to...
Break from the Grind |

A Little Friday File Fun

In Kingsport, Tennessee, a woman at a Kmart jewelry counter used wire cutters to cut a security cable that was attached to a counter top display case. The...