Onieda Hands $48.3M in Pension Liabilities to the
September 5, 2006 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - The Pension
Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) announced Wednesday that
it would absorb the pension liabilities of Oneida and its
affiliates after a bankruptcy court gave the kitchenware
distributor the green light.
According to a press release, Oneida filed for
bankruptcy protection in March 2006 along with the request
to terminate its pension plan. The plans are collectively
31% funded, with $21.6 million in assets to cover
liabilities of $72 million for benefits to about 1,900
of the New York-based company’s workers and
‘s two other pension plans, the Buffalo China Salaried
Plan and the Buffalo China Union Plan, will remain under the
company’s control, according to the news release.
The PBGC said that it will cover an estimated $48.3
million of the $50.4 million shortfall.
The PBGC filed a $2.3 million lien against the
company and eight of its affiliates in September 2004,
after Oneida missed pension payments (See
PBGC Hits Silverware Firm with Pension Lien
US Appeals Court Rejects Halliburton's Request to
Reduce Retiree Benefits
September 5, 2005 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - The 5th US
Circuit Court of Appeals said that Halliburton could not
alter retiree health benefits for a company it bought in
1998, unless it did the same for active employees.
When Halliburton purchased energy service firm
Dresser in 1998, workers and retirees were offered better
plans than those offered to other Halliburton employees.
The company then claimed that the terms of the merger
gave it the right to alter or terminate the Dresser
health insurance plans, claiming that it only had an
obligation to provide health insurance for three years
following the merger. One of the changes included capping
monthly drug contributions at $22 per person.
Dresser retirees argued that the three-year
limit only applied to employees who worked after the end of
this timeframe, not for those who retired before.In December 2004, the district court threw out the
2003 decision by Halliburton to end the coverage for the
retirees of Dresser (See
Halliburton Move to Alter Benefits Shot Down by Court
). The company had expected the move to save the
company $93 million.
In the district court’s
, US District Judge Lynn Hughes wrote that “The cost
to Halliburton of this benefit is $93 million. This is
about one-half of 1% of Halliburton’s revenue
totaling $16.3 billion in 2003. This is a lot of money,
but if Halliburton now considers it to be somehow too
much, the solution is not to change the deal that it made
in 1998. Halliburton agreed to this cost as a part of its
payment to Dresser.”
The 2003 amendments provided that effective January
1, 2004, Halliburton’s contributions
to the cost of medical coverage would be frozen at
the 2003 contribution amounts, forcing plan participants to
pay the difference. The amendments also required that as of
January 1, 2005, Dresser retirees who had reached 65
years old and were eligible for Medicare would only be
eligible for prescription drug coverage, and that all other
medical benefits would be discontinued.
According to appeals court
, Halliburton amended the Dresser plan to “align the
benefits in the three subplans more closely with the
benefits provided to other Halliburton retirees,”
but failed to make changes to the plans for its own
active employees who were similarly situated.
Writing for the appeals court, Circuit Judge
Carolyn King wrote: “We decline to allow Halliburton
to unilaterally take away the ‘bargained-for rights’
that Dresser and Halliburton negotiated and made on the
retiree program as a part of their merger