Options Expand for Participants in 2002

November 21, 2002 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - Plan sponsors continue to offer participants more investment choices - but they don't seem be taking full advantage.

According to PLAN SPONSOR’s 2002 Defined Contribution Survey, the average number of funds offered was 15.94 for our survey respondents, a figure that held up consistently across all market segments, save one.   Not surprisingly, that exception was in the largest market segment, plans with more than $500 million in assets, where 31 fund choices was the average, compared with “just” 24 a year ago.   A year ago, the average number of fund offerings was 14.

Participant Picks

Participant utilization of the fund choices available also rose by a modest increment, with survey respondents reporting that participants are investing in about 4.65 fund options, on average, compared with about 3.8 in last year’s survey.   Participants in plans with $50 million to $200 million in assets used 5.5, on average, while participants in the smallest plans took advantage of 5.2.  

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Ironically, participants in the largest programs, which had the greatest number of options available, only chose to invest in 4.1, on average.

Those fund options were increasingly drawn from a variety of providers, with more than two-thirds (69.7%) of survey respondents reporting the use of investment funds managed by multiple managers.   A year ago, less than two-thirds did so, while two years ago only about 55% did.   However, more than three-fourths of the plans in every segment other than the smallest used multiple providers.  

Auto Pilots

Automatic enrollment continued to grow in popularity, and was offered by roughly 18% of plan sponsors in every market segment.   Not surprisingly, it was somewhat more likely to be in place in larger plans – nearly 1 in 5 plans with more than $500 million in assets did so, as did more than 26% of those with $200 million to $500 million in assets.

Self-directed brokerage accounts (SDBAs) also continued to expand, though the slumping markets have no doubt had a dampening impact on the adoption rate.   Roughly 23% of this year’s respondents offered the option, compared with 19% a year ago.   Roughly 1 in 5 survey respondents indicated that access to an SDBA was available via the Internet.

Coming Tomorrow:   Connecting With Advice
