Participant’s Imprudent Funds Claims Time-Barred by ERISA

March 11, 2014 ( – A federal appeals court has dismissed claims of a participant in Suntrust Bank’s 401(k) plan that the company engaged in “corporate self-dealing” at the expense of plan participants.

Barbara Fuller alleged the defendants in the case violated their Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) fiduciary duties of loyalty and prudence by selecting eight proprietary funds (referred to as the STI Classic Funds) that were more expensive and performed worse than other funds they could have included in the plan, and by repeatedly failing to remove or replace the funds. Although the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed with a district court’s dismissal of certain claims based on ERISA’s three-year statute of limitations, it found all the claims were time-barred by ERISA six-year statute of limitations.

It was found that Fuller lacked standing to bring any claim as to the STI International Fund because she never invested in that fund.

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The appellate court noted that for claims of fiduciary breaches under §1104(a)(1), ERISA provides that no action may be commenced “after the earlier of”: (1) six years after (A) the date of the last action which constituted a part of the breach or violation, or (B) in the case of an omission the latest date on which the fiduciary could have cured the breach or violation, or (2) three years after the earliest date on which the plaintiff had actual knowledge of the breach or violation.

The court found the documents attached to the defendants’ motion to dismiss did not show that Fuller had actual knowledge of the breach because defendants did not show that the documents were provided to Fuller or that she obtained knowledge of the facts in the documents from another source. All but one of the documents were dated after Fuller had cashed out her account. It was unclear whether the Plan Prospectus, which was dated August 1, 2005, was actually available to Fuller before her cashout date. “That the documents (or the relevant facts in the documents) were provided to [Fuller] is a necessary predicate to establishing the three-year bar,” the court said in its opinion.

For claims that the defendants breached their fiduciary duties by selecting the funds, the court found it clear those were time-barred by ERISA’s six-year statute of limitations since the funds were selected in April 2004. However, the court cited the 9th Circuit’s decision in Tibble v. Edison, in saying a new six-year limitations period under ERISA would begin where a plaintiff could “establish changed circumstances engendering a new breach” (see “9th Circuit Affirms Ruling in Retail Fund Dispute”). In Tibble, the court explained that “changed circumstances” could be shown where “significant changes in conditions occurred within the limitations period that should have prompted ‘a full due diligence review of the funds, equivalent to the diligence review [fiduciaries] conduct when adding new funds to the Plan.’”

But, the court found circumstances in the Fuller case were similar to a case from the 4th Circuit, David v. Alphin, in which a district court found the allegations relating to ongoing monitoring of funds were just restatements of allegations regarding the selection of funds (see “Case Sensitive: Long Standing?”). The 11th Circuit said Fuller’s allegations concerning the imprudent acts that allegedly occurred at the time the STI Classic Funds were selected and those that occurred thereafter are in all relevant respects identical. It concluded that Fuller’s complaint contains no factual allegation that would allow us to distinguish between the alleged imprudent acts occurring at selection from the alleged imprudent acts occurring thereafter.

“Thus, like the Fourth Circuit in David, we decline to decide whether the Committee Defendants had an ongoing duty to remove imprudent investment options from the Plan in the absence of a material change in circumstances… Accordingly, Fuller’s claims in Count 2 are time-barred by ERISA’s six-year period of limitations,” the appellate court concluded.

The 11th Circuit’s opinion in Fuller v. Suntrust Banks, Inc. is here.

GASB Releases New Pension Implementation Tool Kit

March 11, 2014 ( – A new online pension implementation tool kit has been released by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).

The tool kit is designed to help preparers, auditors, and users of state and local government financial reports understand and apply the revised pension accounting and financial reporting standards that the GASB approved in June 2012 (see “GASB Approves New Pension Reporting Standards”).

“The GASB is committed to providing our stakeholders with a full array of resources to assist in their understanding and implementation of the pension standards,” says David A. Vaudt, chairman of GASB in Norwalk, Connecticut. “This tool kit highlights key implementation issues and provides guidance on how preparers and auditors of state and local governments can effectively comply with the requirements.”

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The tool kit includes the following resources:

  • The Guide to Implementation of GASB Statement 68 on Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions (see “GASB Issues Guide for New Pension Standards”);
  • The executive summary and full text of GASB Statements No. 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions—an amendment of GASB Statement No. 27, and No. 71, Pension Transition for Contributions Made Subsequent to the Measurement Date—an amendment of GASB Statement No. 68;
  • A video featuring GASB Project Manager Michelle Czerkawski outlining the key issues addressed by the implementation guide;
  • A video featuring Vaudt discussing the top implementation issues arising from the pension standards;
  • Eight podcasts featuring Czerkawski discussing the most significant changes to accounting and financial reporting for pensions;
  • A video featuring GASB Technical Director David Bean and Research Manager Dean Mead discussing stakeholder outreach for the pension standards;
  • An article outlining the key ways the pension standards will change how governments calculate and report pension costs and obligations;
  • A background document and six fact sheets answering frequently-asked questions regarding the pension standards;
  • An article identifying several areas public officials should consider as they plan, prepare, and collaborate when implementing the new standards; and
  • A “Setting the Record Straight” document addressing common misperceptions about the new pension standards.

GASB Statement 68 revises existing guidance for accounting and financial reporting for pensions that are provided to the employees of state and local governmental employers. GASB Statement 71 eliminates a potential source of understatement of restated beginning net position and expense in a government’s first year of implementing Statement 68. Governments are required to implement the new accounting standards in fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2014.

This tool kit complements the one GASB released in November 2013 for pension plans looking to implement GASB Statement No. 67, Financial Reporting for Pension Plans (see “Tool Kit Helps with New Pension Accounting Standards”).

More information about the new tool kit can be found here.
