The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation announced Tuesday that the address for overnight deliveries of paper premium checks is changing, effective October 6.
Overnight deliveries that are sent to the old address will be returned to the sender, which could result in late payment charges if the check is not re-sent to the correct address on or before the premium due date, according to the PBGC’s announcement.
For overnight express deliveries made on or after October 5, plan administrators, plan sponsors or pension practitioners should send paper checks to:
U.S. Bank Government Lockbox Attn: PBGC #979120
3180 Rider Trail S.
Earth City, MO 63045
To pay by check, one must send a completed voucher and a check made out to “Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation” to the applicable address. The sender should also include the plan’s EIN and PN on the check in case it becomes separated from the voucher.
The PBGC also accepts annual premium filings and payments through its online application, My Plan Administration Account. More instructions on premium filing payments can be found on the PBGC website.
Defined Contribution Plans Climb for 4th Straight Quarter
U.S. retirement plan assets increased at a rate of 12% to $10.2 trillion, according to ICI, even as separate Escalent research shows retirement plan participants lack know-how to manage retirement savings.
Total U.S. retirement assets marked their fourth consecutive quarter of growth through the year’s second quarter, according to the most recent data from the Investment Company Institute.
Defined contribution savings rose 12% over the last four quarters from Q2 2022 through the same period this year, hitting $10.2 trillion, according todata released September 14. That figure is still lower than the $11.2 trillion in retirement assets at the end of 2021, the largest since the ICI began tracking in 2000.
Individual retirement accounts grew even more through Q2, up 7% to $13 trillion, also getting closer to a $14.5 trillion record set at the end of 2021, according to the data.
Meanwhile, government defined benefit plans rose 5% to $8 trillion, annuity reserves rose 9% to $2.3 trillion and private sector DB plans grew 5% to $3.2 trillion in the period.
Of the assets held in DC plans, according to ICI, holdings broke down as follows:
401(k) plans: $7.2 trillion
Private sector DC plans: $580 billion
403(b) plans: $1.2 trillion
457 government plans: $420 billion
Federal Employees’ Retirement System’s Thrift Savings Plan: $794 billion
Within those assets, mutual funds managed $4.5 trillion, or 62%. Equity funds were the most common type of holdings at $2.6 trillion, followed by $1.3 trillion in hybrid funds, which include target-date funds, ICI reported.
Money Management
The results of a growing retirement pool come even as a separate research report reiteratedconsistent findingsthat participants lack the proper education and financial wellness tools to manage their accounts. Four out of 10 participants (40%) admit to estimating retirement savings goals off the top of their head, according to research released September 20 from a Cogent Syndicatedreport from Escalent.
The survey, which encompassed 4,000 DC plan participants with at least $5,000 saved in an employer’s plan, found that popular methods for calculating retirement savings are onlinecalculators (30%), detailed plans with financial advisers (25%) and do-it-yourself customized spreadsheets (22%).
The research, however, is not leading to realistic goals for what participants will need in retirement, the researchers found.
“It’s both the amount and the methods being used to calculate retirement savings goals across all cohorts that’s concerning,” says Sonia Davis, senior product director at Escalent and lead author of the report. “[Retirement plan] providers must work diligently to promote their online retirement planning tools and educational offerings to help participants better articulate their savings goals and ensure they are on track to achieving them.”
Goals vs. Reality
The overall mean retirement savings goal for the participants in the survey was $946,000, ranging from a low of $498,000 among Generation Z participants (born 1997 through 2012) to a high of $1.2 million among Baby Boomers (born 1946 through 1964).
“Estimates for ESRPs [Employee Sponsored Retirement Plans], IRAs, brokerage accounts and other vehicles are markedly higher among 2nd-wave Boomers versus Gen Zers and Gen Xers, underscoring the opportunity to educate younger cohorts on how much is required to live comfortably in retirement,” Davis says.
Long-term retirement assets may continue to be bolstered by returns from higher interest rates through the year, with the Federal Reserve last week announcing it would hold the federal funds rate in the range of 5.25% to 5.5%, while signaling another potential hike this year to continue combatting inflation.
The Fed also noted that “economic activity has been expanding at a solid pace. Job gains have slowed in recent months but remain strong, and the unemployment rate has remained low. Inflation remains elevated.”