Peace of Mind Tops Reasons for Outsourcing Payroll

Nearly six in 10 small business owners are administering payroll on their own.

New research from Paychex, a payroll provider, reveals many small business owners choose to continue to invest in benefits outsourcing for increased “peace of mind.”

Overall, Paychex finds 40% of survey respondents feel the biggest benefit of outsourcing payroll is the peace of mind it provides where regulatory demands are concerned. That number increases to 63% for those businesses with 20 to 99 employees, the report shows.

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Twenty-three percent of survey respondents said relying on the expertise of professionals is the biggest benefit to outsourcing payroll, while 19% said saving time is the most beneficial aspect of choosing to work with an outside service provider.

According to the Paychex Small Business Survey, of the more than 300 business owners surveyed, 56% are administering payroll on their own. Sixty-five percent say they are handling HR administration themselves, and 59% reported taking care of their own benefits administration.

Martin Mucci, Paychex president and CEO, says even the top solutions providers feel challenged to stay compliant “in today’s highly complex regulatory environment,” so it’s no wonder small business owners are eager for help and see regulations and process compliance as a top reason to seek external expertise.

The survey report cites one certified public accountant, who suggests many times, “it only takes one financial penalty to waste whatever money a business owner thought they were saving by administering key functions like payroll themselves.”

Partnering with a service provider places “vitally important business functions” in the capable hands of an expert, Paychex explains, helping small businesses improve the quality of benefits delivery while reducing daily stress for small business owners and operators. When the price is right, it’s a win-win-win for the plan provider, business owner and benefit plan participants.
