Poll Finds ‘Green’ Workplaces Expanding

April 11, 2011 (PLANSPONSOR.com) – A new Buck Consultants survey found that 60% of organizations are measuring their cost savings from green programs, up from 39%.


Survey respondents noted that the savings are widespread . Seventy-eight percent report electricity cost savings, two-thirds indicate heating/cooling and paper savings, and 60% are cutting costs on water. Overall, 69% of survey respondents have green programs, an increase from 53% last year.

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Among the organizations that have a formal green program, the most common practices are:

  • Recycling and paper reduction (97%)
  • Web and/or teleconferencing (95%)
  • Healthy living and wellness (85%)
  • Internal green communication programs (81%)
  • Light sensors (75%)


Seventy-eight  percent of organizations consider cost savings as the leading motivator for green programs, while the creation of community goodwill (58%) and employee engagement/morale (56%) round out the top thee motivators.   Sixty-two percent of survey respondents now track stakeholder feedback on green programs and/or social responsibility, doubling from just one year ago.

Meanwhile, the survey found that 88% of employers with green programs include the CEO in development and communications while 91% of respondents appointed a dedicated leader for their green efforts. Among employers that provide incentives to encourage green behaviors, 43 % provide special employee recognition, 19 % give prizes, and 14 % provide a monetary reward.

 More information is at http://news.xerox.com/pr/xerox/photo.aspx?fid=137069 




