PSNC 2017: The Many Benefits of Re-enrollment

Experts addressing the PLANSPONSOR National Conference urged attendees not to fear aggressive re-enrollments from a fiduciary or workload perspective.

According to an expert panel speaking at the 2017 PLANSPONSOR National Conference, in Washington, D.C., the concept of re-enrollment should be an exciting one from the perspective of plan sponsors—a strategy that adds another layer of control and direction to a defined contribution (DC) retirement plan.

Panelist Bruce Ashton, partner, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, suggested that from the fiduciary perspective, plan sponsors have all the authority they need to enact a re-enrollment. It is really a natural extension of plan design features such as automatic enrollment, automatic escalation and automatic diversified qualified default investment alternatives (QDIAs) that were enshrined by the Pension Protection Act of 2006. 

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To this point, an audience member asked about laws in her state that seem to prohibit an employer from redirecting any portion of employees’ paychecks without their express written consent. She was concerned that re-enrollments, which employ a negative election opt-out feature, could bring her plan into legal conflict with that type of state-based standard.  

“That’s a great question, but remember, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act [ERISA] pre-empts state law,” Ashton observed. “So you do have the authority to do this, to sweep nonparticipants into your retirement plan.”

Kathleen Kelly, managing partner at Compass Financial Partners, wholeheartedly agreed and urged plan sponsors to consider the fact that auto-enrollment is widely appreciated as a powerful and important plan design feature that does a lot of good for new employees.

“Re-enrollment can do just as much good as auto-enroll and auto-escalate, say for older employees who are participating in the 401(k) but whose approach was not optimized by their being auto-enrolled,” she said. “I think about it this way: A 401(k) plan at rest tends to stay at rest. Re-enrollment is an all-important call to action, a wake-up call and an ability to bring a plan back to life. It forces the employees’ hand to make decisions in their best interest. Really, it can shine a spotlight on the under-championed 401(k) benefit.”

NEXT: Successful re-enrollments require vision

Panelist Terry Daugherty, vice president and relationship management consultant for American Century, stressed that the understanding of what re-enrollments can or should accomplish has shifted considerably.

“The meaning of re-enrollment has dramatically changed over the years. It used to be called retro-auto-enrollment by some parties,” he said. “In fact, when I first started in the industry these processes were all done on paper, and they were time-consuming. Today, things are quite different. Now we have very efficient technology-based re-enrollment efforts that can take on various and very specific goals. We see everything from very complex to very simple re-enrollments.”

The panelists noted one of the most common re-enrollment approaches involves a one-time sweep of nonparticipating employees into the retirement plan, exactly as if they had been auto-enrolled as new employees. Other re-enrollments are more targeted, perhaps identifying segments of older employees who have too much equity exposure and mapping them into an age-appropriate default investment. 

“This may seem like a dramatic thing to do—to override your employees’ own investment decisions—but remember they can always opt out and stick to their own strategy,” Kelly noted. “What we commonly see is that those who have actually carefully considered their strategy may tend to opt out, while others who have fallen by chance, more or less, into their current approach fully embrace the re-enrollment to the QDIA. It’s a win-win.”

On the frequency of re-enrollments, Ashton said some employers do this every year, perhaps tying it to the health care open enrollment period, while others might make plans to do just a single re-enrollment. The proper approach for a given plan “depends a lot on what’s happening in your company and how well your communication and enrollment process is working right now.” Obviously, if the sponsor has a fantastically performing plan, re-enrollment is not as critical and might not be needed at all. “But even in the highest-performing plans there are always some folks who can slip through the cracks, and so perhaps targeted re-enrollment can work in these situations,” he said.

Ultimately, the panelists concluded, re-enrollment should be viewed as a powerful tool in the expanding arsenal of plan sponsors to ensure their plans function at the highest level possible. 

PSNC 2017: Retirement Security at an Inflection Point

“We are at a unique inflection point in history, with a number of forces converging simultaneously that are forever changing how we approach retirement,” argued Joe Ready, of Wells Fargo Institutional Retirement and Trust. 

Aging populations and work forces are placing an increased strain on the federal, public and private retirement systems, warned Joe Ready, executive vice president and director of Wells Fargo Institutional Retirement and Trust, addressing the 2017 PLANSPONSOR National Conference, in Washington, D.C.

“We all have been living for some time in a world of consumer direction, but this is finally having an impact in the retirement space,” he said.

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“Now that the retirement world has shifted from a defined benefit [DB] approach to defined contribution [DC], we all have more responsibility than ever before to provide for our own retirement. It is an enormous responsibility that we have foisted onto individuals who really have little preparedness,” he said. “Anyone who is responsible for building and running plans must be tuned into the rapid pace of change, which has only increased and will only increase.”

Ready noted that, today, still only 23% of retired people draw a major portion of their income from DC plans. He shared research data suggesting that this figure will increase dramatically in the next 10 years as other sources of income fade.

“By the year 2020, it is projected that total retirement plan assets saved by individuals will be $24 trillion,” he observed. “If you dig into that, $18 trillion will be wholly self-directed assets. That’s what I am talking about when I mention ‘consumer-directed retirement.’ It is particularly informative to compare this number with the $2.8 trillion in the Social Security Trust Fund today. People are going to be mostly responsible on their own for funding their retirement.”

Ready posited that a confluence of legislation, social forces, regulation and technological development are fundamentally changing the character of the retirement planning market, adding that “the plan sponsors, advisers and providers in the room today can have a big influence on all of this, making sure change is positive rather than negative.

“Anything that improves access to workplace retirement savings plans and influences people to save more for their future—we must support this,” he urged PSNC attendees. “On the flip side, we need to protect our industry from negative aspects of tax reform. We need to continue to use our collective voice to stand up for what is right for our industry and our participants.”

Ready concluded, many of today’s retirement planning challenges can be “addressed and even solved through what I call ‘technology with a purpose.’ We need to be creating and implementing highly targeted and efficient communications and solutions that are very aggressive in helping participants get on the right track. We need to make retirement planning simpler, more targeted, timelier and more relevant for all workers.”
