- Male
- Female
Highest Educational Achievement
- Some high school
- High school graduate
- College graduate
- Postgraduate degree/studies
Total Retirement Savings
- <$50,000
- $50,000 – $250,000
- >$250,000
- Not reported
Expected Retirement Age
- <65
- 65 – 70
- >70
Confidence in Achieving a Secure and Comfortable Retirement
- Very confident
- Confident
- Somewhat confident
- Only a little confident
- Not at all confident
- Unsure
Uses a Financial Adviser
- Works with an adviser
- Does not work with an adviser, but plans to in the future
- Does not plan to work with an adviser
- Unsure
- Male
- Female
Highest Educational Achievement
- Some high school
- High school graduate
- College graduate
- Postgraduate degree/studies
Total Retirement Savings
- <$50,000
- $50,000 – $250,000
- >$250,000
- Not reported
Expected Retirement Age
- <65
- 65 – 70
- >70
Confidence in Achieving a Secure and Comfortable Retirement
- Very confident
- Confident
- Somewhat confident
- Only a little confident
- Not at all confident
- Unsure
Uses a Financial Adviser
- Works with an adviser
- Does not work with an adviser, but plans to in the future
- Does not plan to work with an adviser
- Unsure
Participant Behavior
Hypothetical Trade-Off Scenarios*
* Includes unemployed respondents