Right Management Unveils Employee Outplacement Product

April 24, 2007 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - Manpower Inc. subsidiary Right Management released an outplacement solution aimed at helping employers help their former employees make the transition from their former jobs.

“Since 86% of outplacement candidates remain in their same communities after they have been separated, organizations want to do the right thing for their former employees and ensure positive relationships are maintained should they want to hire them back in the future,” said Douglas Matthews, president and chief operating officer of Right Management, in a press release. “With RightChoice, organizations can increase separated employees’ opportunities to find the best new jobs or next careers the fastest with the least disruption.”

According to the press release, RightChoice capabilities include:

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  • The commitment to stay connected with candidates right through to transition success – whether it’s securing a new job, starting a business, or exploring work/life options.
  • Results-based accountability by focusing on the outcome, rather than the process;   Choices about how services are accessed and delivered, enabling personalized approaches to the transition goals of both organizations and their former employees.
  • Faster outplacement engagements, so candidates’ transitions are smoother and more quickly produce new opportunities.
  • Personalized support from career and job-resource consultants whose expert guidance ensures that candidates identify the best possible career paths for them – and pursue these successfully.

For more information visit www.right.com .
