Russell Goes Long/Short in Two More Equity Offerings

May 8, 2007 ( - Russell Investment Group is expanding its use of limited long/short strategies in its Quantitative Equity and Equity Q mutual funds, the company announced.

This strategy, which changes the existing assignment of Aronson+Johnson+Ortiz to a 130/30 strategy, is intended to provide upside return potential without significantly increasing risk at the total fund level, according to a Russell news release.

A limited long/short strategy allows money managers more freedom to apply their stock selection skills regarding both stocks they consider will outperform and those that they consider will underperform. Long/short strategies allow a quantitative manager to short individual stocks and invest the short sale proceeds in additional long share purchases, diversifying risk, Russell said.

“As financial professionals seek investment innovations for clients, they want to maintain a holistic view – evaluating quality, managing risk and assessing the impact on the total portfolio,” said Tim Noonan, managing director, Russell Investment Group, in the news release.

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Russell said it will hold more than $5.3 billion in limited long/short strategies in its funds, and is among the largest purchasers of these strategies in the world, based on research conducted by Russell’s manager research team.

The latest addition of the 130/30 long/short strategy follows the August 2006 addition of another limited long/short approach, a 120/20 portfolio, the company said.
