Salesforce Accused of Fiduciary Imprudence in New ERISA Lawsuit

Case documents show Salesforce has actually changed some of the practices that are criticized in the complaint, but the plaintiffs argue that these changes were made too late.

The latest Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) lawsuit filed in federal court is targeting Salesforce for a number of alleged fiduciary breaches in the operation of its defined contribution (DC) retirement plan.

The complaint was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California and seeks class action status on behalf of a sizable group of retirement plan participants and beneficiaries. Named as defendants are Salesforce itself, along with its board of directors and its investment advisory committee.

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According to the complaint, the Salesforce plan had more than $2 billion in assets at the end of 2018. The complaint, echoing numerous other excessive fee lawsuits filed under ERISA, states that the size of the plan gives it substantial bargaining power to negotiate lower fees for both investment products and for recordkeeping services.

“Defendants, however, did not try to reduce the plan’s expenses or exercise appropriate judgement to scrutinize each investment option that was offered in the plan to ensure it was prudent,” the complaint alleges.

Salesforce is accused of failing to take advantage of the lowest cost share class available for many of the mutual funds offered in its retirement. The defendants are further accused of failing to consider the use of collective investment trusts, comingled accounts or separate accounts as alternatives to mutual fund offerings, despite potentially lower fees.

Notably, case documents show Salesforce has actually changed some of the practices that are criticized in the complaint. But the plaintiffs argue that these changes were made too late and that the plan fiduciaries should be held financially liable for not making these “prudent” decisions earlier.

“It appears that in 2019, five years into the class period, wholesale changes were made to the plan wherein certain plan investment options, some of which are the subject of this lawsuit, were converted to [lower cost] shares,” the decision states. “These changes were far too little and too late as the damage suffered by plan participants to that point had already been baked in. There is no reason not to have implemented these changes by the start of the class period, when the majority of lower-cost shares were available.”

Important context for understanding these allegations comes from the fact that large employers across the United States are fighting practically identical claims, with mixed success. So far the federal courts have promulgated a complex and even contradictory mix of decisions, some of them seeming to favor plaintiffs and others defendants.

In this particular case, much of the text of the complaint is dedicated to a basic recitation of the fiduciary duties under ERISA, to the fact that passive investments can cost less than active investments, and to establishing that collective investment trusts and other investing vehicles available to large retirement plans can cost less than mutual funds. Only after spelling out this general information does the complaint claim the Salesforce fiduciaries failed to prudently and loyally monitor their plans expenses.

“The funds in the plan stayed relatively unchanged from 2013 until 2019,” the complaint states. “Taking 2018 as an example year, almost half of the plan’s core investments (including all but one of the target-date funds[TDFs]) were much more expensive than comparable investments found in similarly-sized plans (plans having over a billion dollars in assets).  The expense ratios for these funds were in some cases up to 135% (in the case of the Fidelity Contra Class K) above the median expense ratios in the same category. … At all times during the class period, defendants knew or should have known of the existence of cheaper share classes and therefore also should have immediately identified the prudence of transferring the plan’s funds into these alternative investments.”

The full text of the complaint is available here. Salesforce has not yet responded to a request for comment.

Mediation Leads to $29M Settlement in SunTrust ERISA Litigation

The underlying lawsuit alleged that SunTrust Bank’s 401(k) plan engaged in corporate self-dealing at the expense of plan participants.

The parties in the long-running Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) lawsuit known as Fuller v. SunTrust Banks have filed a proposed settlement agreement in federal court.

The move comes some four months after the parties announced they would enter a mediation process to try to resolve the complex litigation, and roughly five months after the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia’s Atlanta Division issued a lengthy order in the case.

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The underlying lawsuit—which boasts a procedural history dating back to 2008—alleges that SunTrust Bank’s 401(k) plan engaged in corporate self-dealing at the expense of plan participants. The lead plaintiff suggests that plan officials violated their fiduciary duties of loyalty and prudence by selecting a series of proprietary funds (referred to as the STI Classic Funds) that were more expensive and performed worse than other funds they could have included in the plan—and by repeatedly failing to remove or replace the funds.

In the October ruling, the District Court granted the defendants’ motion seeking to discredit certain expert testimony generated by the plaintiffs. At the same time, the ruling denied the plaintiffs’ motion to reject the expert reporting of two pro-defense witnesses. Finally, defendants’ motion for summary judgment was granted in part and denied in part, meaning the case could proceed to discovery and trial.

As part of the settlement, SunTrust will establish a $29 million settlement account that will be distributed to the class and used to pay the sizable attorneys’ fees of nearly $10 million. The text of the settlement agreement bars future claims against the SunTrust defendants related to this matter. The agreement also stipulates that the defense continues to deny all the allegations made in the lawsuit.

One unique feature of this settlement relative to others that have been reached in similar cases is that the defendants are permitted, but not required, to retain an independent fiduciary in connection with the enactment of the settlement—seemingly because the settlement focuses on a one-time payment of monetary relief rather than on mandating specific plan design reforms or operational changes.
