S&P 1500 Pensions See Largest 2014 Decrease in Liabilities
October 6, 2014 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - The estimated aggregate funding level of pension plans sponsored by S&P 1500 companies remained at 84% at the end of September, according to Mercer.
in interest rates used to calculate corporate pension plan liabilities offset
falling equity markets, holding funded status constant. The collective
estimated deficit of $352 billion as of September 30, 2014, is down $17 billion
from the estimated deficit of $369 billion as of August 31—the largest monthly
decrease in pension liabilities this year, Mercer says. The September deficit
is up $116 billion from the beginning of the year.
S&P 500 index dropped by 1.6% during September. Typical discount rates for
pension plans as measured by the Mercer Yield Curve increased by 20 basis
points to 4.10%, driving liabilities downward, and offsetting the decrease in
plan assets.
increase in interest rates and decrease in equities this month is the first
major deviation from the trend of decreasing interest rates and increasing
equities that we have seen throughout 2014,” says Jim Ritchie, a principal in
Mercer’s retirement practice. “Rising
interest rates gave us our largest monthly decrease in pension liabilities this
year, but unfortunately the reduction in liabilities was largely offset by
losses on assets.”
adds, “This change in trends in 2014 is a good reminder that plan sponsors
should stress test their risk management strategies to better understand how
their strategies will hold up when markets change course. We just saw in the
past week two significant annuity
buyouts in the market place, and anticipate many other sponsors will be
seriously exploring buyout and other risk transfer strategies to better manage
their pension risk, especially if interest rates start rising.”
Mercer’s estimates
are based on each company’s year-end statement and by projections to September
30, in line with financial indices. This includes U.S. domestic qualified and
non-qualified plans and all non-domestic plans. The estimated aggregate value
of pension plan assets of the S&P 1500 companies as of December 31, 2013,
was $1.80 trillion, compared with estimated aggregate liabilities of $2.03
trillion. Allowing for changes in financial markets through September 30, 2014,
changes to the S&P 1500 constituents, and newly released financial
disclosures, at the end of August the estimated aggregate assets were $1.85
trillion, compared with the estimated aggregate liabilities of $2.21 trillion.
October 6, 2014 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - Retirement plan designs to encourage people to save for retirement are getting a lot of attention, but is there an age at which it is just too late?
week, I asked NewsDash readers if they think there is an age at which it is too
late for individuals to start saving for retirement, and whether they have any
tips for strategies late savers can use to try to “catch up” on retirement
percent of respondents were for plan sponsors, 10.6% are advisers/consultants,
19.2% work for TPAs/recordkeepers/investment managers and 2.1% are attorneys.
when they started saving for retirement, 39.6% of responding readers indicated
they started saving for retirement between ages 18 and 25. More than 35% were
ages 26 to 30; 8.3% were ages 31 to 35; 6.3% were 36 to 40; 6.3% were 41 to 45;
and 4.2% were 46 to 50. (Numbers may not add to 100 due to rounding.)
an individual earns a “middle-class” income and wants to retire between the
ages of 65 and 70, a large majority of respondents (81.3%) said it is never too
late for an individual to start saving for retirement, even a small amount of
savings can help. More than 4% of readers think age 35 is too late to start
saving for retirement, while 2% said age 40 is. More than 4% selected age 45 as
being too late to start saving for retirement, and 2% selected age 50. No one
chose age 55, but 6.3% chose age 60.
Most of the readers who
shared tips for late savers to “catch up” their retirement savings focused on
spending less, saving as much as possible, and possibly retiring later. Some
shared tips unrelated to retirement saving, such as the one who said: “Find a ‘sugar
momma’ or ‘sugar daddy’!” One of the ideas that stuck out to me was, “If
you think it is ‘too late’ to start saving, then determine what your retirement
income might be based on what you have, and try to live on that for several
years before retirement (and save every penny you make over that amount).”
tips included:
UNDER YOUR MEANS-Invest the rest!
can show the math facts of the later you start saving, the more you need to
save each year to create a nest egg. But the real problem is the longer you
wait, the more you have to reinvent yourself. No late saver wants to
acknowledge they've been living the high life, but they HAVE!. Everyone's
budget HAS TO have savings! If they haven't been saving, then they've been
overspending and living the high life. It would be very difficult for someone
to change their lifestyle to savings rather than spending. The best advice is
the simplest advice, but the simplest advice is the hardest to follow - spend
less than you make! If you can spend a lot less, you'll be blest as life goes
on. What's even more amazing is the more you save, the less you are spending.
Less spending means you need less money in retirement to maintain your standard
of living. And it means less saving is needed. Just save more and everything
works out.
your personal expenditures. Limit dinners out during the week, bring your own
coffee & plan inexpensive weekend activities. This will enable you to
contribute at a higher percentage.
the maximum amount in each year as long as you can. Stay the course and perhaps
retire later than originally planned.
you think it is "too late" to start saving, then determine what your
retirement income might be based on what you have, and try to live on that for
several years before retirement (and save every penny you make over that
about choices and making saving for retirement a priority. We have a lot of
luxuries that we don't "need". If someone wants to save for
retirement, they can make it happen.
down on expenses, save as much as possible in a retirement plan and outside of
the plan, consider using leverage in a real estate investment where others pay
your mortgage, take steps now to extend your working lifetime which may require
a career change to a position that accommodates the abilities of a senior.
income sufficiency is a function of retirement savings and longevity. If it's
too late to significantly impact savings, you can always impact longevity by
taking up smoking and drinking heavily.
as much as possible, even late, helps lower your current spending in addition
to growing your retirement savings. That means your target is lower!
at least, the amount your company matches. If your dependents start aging off
insurance resulting in lower premium, increase your contribution by same
a "sugar momma" or "sugar daddy!"
guess cut out all that eating out and leasing cars. Buy a car and keep it so
you can save the extra for retirement.
the maximum allowed and take advantage of companies and people who can help you
with investments to make the most of your dollar.
to the highest % possible and definitely in the catch-up allowance if at all
possible. Never ever take a withdrawal - loan, hardship, or 59 1/2 early
withdrawal. Leave everything in the account to grow to the best ending balance
possible. Cut down on "non-needs" in order to lessen the pain of
401(k) contributions. Everyone spends on things they really do NOT need -
eliminate that and put it in the 401(k).
saving the maximum allowed by law as soon as you may (not can!) Consult an
adviser you respect and trust, even if it is someone completely unconnected
with your plan.
up the unneccesaries and save as much as possible. We can all live on less than
we think.
more money, it takes a lot of income
your debt and consider a reduction of your current standard of living to save
more. You might as well get used to it rather than having an extremely rude
awakening in your 70's or 80's.
lottery tickets! No, just kidding. 🙂
savers can take advantage of the tax savings by contributing to a retirement
savings plan on a pre-tax basis. This can be a big advantage when the kids are
all grown and your mortgage is paid and your tax exemptions are little or none.
They can take advantage of the reduction on gross earnings and saving for
retirement all in one.
y'er ()itchin', hunker down and plug away. 'scuse my PC faux pas.
Put every dollar you
can spare in, Max out on the annual limit and the annual catch up contribution.
invest aggressively, think 2nd job to support your retirement contributions and
eat lots of peanut butter and Mac & Cheese to save money. Carry your lunch,
use coupons to help save every penny you can.
verbatim comments about saving for retirement at any age, readers shared more
admonitions and tips, as well as ideas for avoiding the “too late” issue
altogether, such as “teach high schoolers to save the second they get their
first job” and “I think it would help if contributing to your 401(k) plan was
mandatory, just like taxes.” Editor’s
Choice goes to the reader who said: “I would never say it's ‘too late,’ you
should just give up. After all, what's the alternative?”
A big thank you to everyone who participated in our
yourself first even if it is 1% to start
less than you make.
a small monthly income from savings can help with incidentals. Social Security
will not be enough. Roth IRAs can also be helpful.
good discipline.
we could teach high schoolers to save the second they get their first job (even
if it is only a tiny bit), we wouldn't be having this discussion at age 60.
kind of retirement one will have is dependent on the age at which they start
saving and continue to save for retirement, but any amount can be more
beneficial than nothing.
saving at 10% and raise it to 15% of all income beginning with your first job.
Invest 100% of your savings in stocks until you are in your forties and then
begin to reduce equity exposure.
is an amazing thing.
never too late to start saving, but that doesn't mean you will actually be able
to retire. You might be in retirement age, but still working 'cause you have to
pay your bills.
think it would help if contributing to your 401(k) plan was mandatory, just
like taxes.
small and increasing slightly each year makes your dollars grow without hurting
your budget. If you live paycheck to paycheck it seems impossible, but it is
doable with a small amount.
would never say it's "too late," you should just give up. After all,
what's the alternative?
amount you accumulate helps and saving at any age helps to establish an
awareness and a routine of responsibility in your finances.
selected "It's never too late...." but my real opinion is that the
day AFTER you retire might be awfully late to start!
now, no matter how old you are!!!!
as early as possible to harness the power of compounding.
below your means and save the rest. It's true your entire life -- in retirement
as well as in your earning years.
as much as you can for as long as you can and DON'T BORROW from your 401(k)
unless you will die without the money.
am a firm believer in saving for retirement; whether you start early in life or
not, SSI is not going to be enough to support a comfortable lifestyle upon
the Disney cartoon version about the tale of the ant and the grasshopper. Happy
ending. Eerily familiar to today. All too soon, the ending will be quite
different. The ant will survive; learning to fiddle - on the side of course.
is never too late to save. Be passionate about saving and think long term. Quit
buying foo foo stuff today that you don't need. Only buy necessities. Get your
retirement built up.
is a wonderful thing and unfortunately many people don't understand that saving
as little as $10 a week starting in your 20s can go a very long way.
NOTE: Responses reflect the opinions of
individual readers and not necessarily the stance of Asset International or its