SPARK Answers More Questions on Info Sharing

March 6, 2009 ( - The SPARK Institute has announced additions to its Q&A Web site regarding its 403(b) Plans Information Sharing Data Elements Best Practices.

New questions and answers, along with previously answered questions and other materials related to the Best Practices, are at .    Larry H. Goldbrum, General Counsel of The SPARK Institute reminded anyone interested in information related to the Best Practices to check the Web site regularly.

SPARK first introduced its Best Practices document in May 2008, and in September announced it had established a question and answer Web page (see SPARK Answers Questions on Info Sharing Best Practices ).

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Speakers for a Webinar sponsored by The SPARK Institute stressed the benefits of a standard format for information sharing in the 403(b) market (see Experts Stress Benefits of Information Sharing Best Practices for 403(b)s ).
