Sports Isn’t the Only Thing Workers Bet On

March 15, 2012 ( - One-in-five surveyed workers (20%) said they have participated in March Madness pools at work.

However, respondents to a CareerBuilder survey shared other amusing or memorable office pools they’ve participated in:  

• Who would be the first person to drink too much at a company party, 

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• When someone would punch out the supervisor, 

• How long the CEO’s fourth marriage would last, 

• Who in the office would be the last to get their power back after a big snow storm, 

• How many accidents would occur at the intersection outside of the office building, 

• What fake illness a co-worker would call in sick with, 

• How long it would take someone to quit, 

• When impending litigation would be filed against the company, 

• The amount of news coverage a particular celebrity would receive in a week, and 

• Who would grow the best beard in one month. 

Back to March Madness, nearly one-in-10 workers indicated they watch games at the office, and 17% spend, on average, more than an hour checking scores while on the clock.   

Men are more likely to participate in March Madness polls in the office, at 27%, compared to 13% of women.   

Comparing regions, workers in the Midwest are the most likely to place bets at work – 23% of Midwest workers took part in March Madness pools compared to 20% of workers in the West, 19% in the South and 18% in the Northeast. Among larger markets, Washington D.C., Minneapolis, New York and Chicago ranked the highest.   

The survey was conducted by Harris Interactive among more than 7,000 workers between November 9 and December 5, 2011.
