For Strategic Long-Term Investors, Volatility Means Opportunity

PLANSPONSOR speaks with John Diehl, senior vice president of strategic markets for Hartford Funds, on the subject of equity market volatility and ways to help ease plan participant concerns amid big price swings.

John Diehl, senior vice president of strategic markets for Hartford Funds, spends a lot of time talking and strategizing with retirement specialist financial advisers and their plan sponsor clients; in a sense he is an adviser’s adviser.

Recently, Diehl sat down for a wide ranging conversation with PLANSPONSOR, following up on a previous interview he offered in February, when U.S. equity market volatility came back onto the scene in a big way. Since then, markets have remained volatile, but asset prices have not in fact dropped precipitously when viewed on a preceding-year basis. Still, as Diehl lays out, volatility remains a top concern for advisers and plan sponsors.  

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PLANSPONSOR: Even with the bouts of equity market volatility we have faced, as of this morning the S&P 500 is still up over 9% for the preceding 12 month period. With that number in mind, have plan sponsors been keeping the latest bouts of volatility in perspective? Are they remaining strategic and focused on the long-term, or is there evidence of poor portfolio decisions?

John Diehl: When we spoke in February, we were talking about the return of volatility in U.S. equity prices. One of my main comments then was to the effect that, rapid two-way swings in equity prices obviously will not impact people the same way as big negative swings that are not followed almost immediately by a rebound. What we have continued to see since that time is how these strong negative drops in equity prices have almost all been quickly followed up by corrections upward, and so people have not really had enough time to react to the volatility and make many trades.

Investors have taken some comfort in the fact that the volatility all seems to be revolving around a market return of zero or greater for the first half of 2018. So we go down 3%, then up 2%, then down 1%, then up 3%—that sort of thing. Now, I also want to stress that this is not something we can be complacent about. The market can surprise us in either direction, but generally speaking I don’t think the average investor out there is really feeling the sting from this volatility. You think about how strong 2015, 2016 and 2017 were in terms of returns, and that also helps people feel better. One thing that could derail confidence would be if we happen to end a quarter down, say, 5% or 10%, and people saw those numbers reported on their statements. But again, the swings have been too rapid for most people to process or act upon.

One more factor to mention here is that the employment picture has remained quite positive in the last several years, and I believe this has had a strong impact on the sentiment and confidence of investors. Job security seems to be okay right now, the sentiment goes, and there is opportunity out there. So we’re not feeling the double hit of, am I about to lose my job while my portfolio is falling significantly? That’s an entirely different scenario. Right now people are so busy that they might not even have the time to pay attention to daily portfolio moves.

PS: I’d also like you to respond to another figure. The average annualized total return for the S&P 500 index over the past 90 years is 9.8 percent. Yet from 1928 to 2016, only six years finished with a gain within 5% and 10%. 

JD: This kind of a statistic can offer another way to think about volatility, as a positive rather than a negative aspect of the markets. But it also shows how challenging it is for advisers to educate their clients about how returns will vary over time and how individual years or even decades can differ from the long-term return average.

One of the things we have done to respond to this challenge is to build out new and creative ways to illustrate the longer-term action of the markets. One presentation that has been very successful is called, ‘Beyond Investment Illusions.’ We find that this terminology of ‘illusions’ really helps people understand some of the signaling that they see around short-term market performance. The main illusion we tackle is that volatility must be feared; as these statistics show, volatility is in fact an opportunity.

Especially when we talk about workplace retirement savings plans, where people will have a consistent flow of new money coming in as they progress through their career, they stand to gain from volatility, not lose. We help people see the danger in sitting on the sidelines or trying to time the markets. Our effort is to try to broaden the perspective of the investor to go look beyond what has happened today or in the last week, and to truly be strategic about their investing.

While we have had a lot of success, I will say it is a challenging effort. People who do not work in this world of retirement investing can have a hard time understanding how volatility can be positive. When they see the market fell 2% in one day, they naturally fear that, and they might want to pull out their money, especially those people who are very near or even within retirement. It’s always going to be hard to make sure investors understand the positive aspects of volatility.

PS: Looking forward, do you expect much of the same for the rest of 2018 and beyond? There are many factors to consider in terms of the levers that could influence equity asset prices. Interest rates, for example, are starting to move upward in a more reliable way they have not enjoyed for some time.

JD: That is another difficult aspect of this conversation. It has been some time since institutional investors have had to ask, what happens in an interest rate cycle where rates are gradually increasing? It has just been so long since investors have had to deal with that scenario. Personally, I started working in this area in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and that is really the only time during my career that we were in an interest rate environment where rates were gradually increasing. So helping to educate investors about the basics of what this environment means is going to be a good use of time right now.

It doesn’t mean that it is time to start dumping fixed income. It’s time to learn about the different types of fixed income and why different types of fixed income are important. We have to teach investors about how diversification matters on the fixed income side of the portfolio as much as it matters on the equity side. It is a pressing issue, I should add. I have recently heard investors say to me that they did not understand that their fixed income investments could lose money. They wanted to know, this is a government bond portfolio, and how could its book value drop?

Given that we are generally an active manager of fixed income, we’re really pushing hard to educate investors about the differences between floating rate securities and your core bond holdings. How do these behave in relation to each other and in different environments? How do you spread your exposures across U.S. fixed income, corporate bonds, emerging market fixed income, and all the other flavors? These are important conversations right now, going beyond talking about fixed income as one big lump.

Retirement Plan Exchanges for 403(b)s

Speaking at the Plan Sponsor Council of America (PSCA) 71st Annual National Conference, Brodie Wood, SVP of healthcare, education and not-for-profit markets at Transamerica Retirement Solutions, discussed the efficiencies and benefits a closed MEP can offer not-for-profit 403(b) plans.

In a case of perfect timing, Transamerica announced it is now offering its first-ever 403(b) multiple employer plan (MEP) for higher education, created in partnership with the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU), on the same day Brodie Wood, SVP of healthcare, education and not-for-profit markets at Transamerica Retirement Solutions, spoke to attendees of the Plan Sponsor Council of America (PSCA) 71st Annual National Conference about for 403(b) plans.

A month ago, 14 Virginia private colleges, members of the Council of Independent Colleges in Virginia (CICV) announced plans to join a newly created MEP.  

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Wood noted that closed MEPs have been used in the for-profit market for a number of years. However, he said that not-for-profits tend to be less competitive and have realized that by pooling assets together, they may be able to offer a better solutions.

According to Wood, the efficiencies MEPs provide to 403(b) plans include:

  • Use of independent, renowned professionals;
  • Complete transparency and objectivity;
  • Reduce administrative burden;
  • Economies of scale; and
  • De-risk plans, i.e. balances complexity of choice with scale; ensures payroll data is clean; provides consistent communication to adopting members and participants; maintains one fund menu of independently selected/managed fund (no conflicts); and delegates authority to mitigate risk.

Other benefits include access to more investment choices, access to enhanced benefits at lower cost, reduction of fiduciary exposure, one Form 5500, no audit and strong participant education support, Wood said.

For associations, such as the WAICU, there are also benefits, Wood noted. “Associations are looking for a way to become relevant for members, recruit new members, retain existing members, de-risk plan operations and build a market of skilled employees,” he said.

There are options for reducing fiduciary exposure or sharing exposure. For example, Wood said the Virginia plan pulled in a 3(16) plan administrator. But, he pointed out, “The challenge in the not-for-profit market is there are not a lot of providers that have both the expertise in MEPs and not-for-profit retirement plans.”

Wood said there is also a lot of value in payroll aggregation; some MEPs may want to hire a payroll provider or aggregator. He said the Wisconsin plan is manageable by Transamerica but it would get more complicated with bigger entities and/or with those with multiple payrolls.

As far as pricing, 403(b) MEPs could have mega plans and small plans, so consideration of costs for each member should be given. Transamerica uses break-point pricing.

Wood said individual schools struggle to offer participant education, and a provider or adviser to an MEP plan can customize education for different members, or the plan could establish a comprehensive communication package members can use. He noted that the Virginia plan engages a third party for education and advice.

MEPs help 403(b) plans pare down investment options, but for plan participants who may complain about losing choices, the plan could offer a brokerage window. Transamerica’s plan offers a brokerage window.

Wood said to establish an MEP, there are three main steps:

  • Retain Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) counsel to establish the legal framework and governance; to establish a formal committee (A charter will define how the committee is established. Wood said it would be ideal to have a representative from all members of the MEP.); and to discuss the plan document (Wisconsin is using Transamerica’s volume submitter pre-approved 403(b) plan, which is one plan document, but each member can have a different participation agreement to offer different features, such as vesting schedules, eligibility criteria or other features.)
  • Retain a 3(38) investment fiduciary to assist in searches for administration and recordkeeping providers, establish investment criteria, execute an investment policy statement (IPS), select the plan-level investment lineup and establish ongoing monitoring and review procedures and meetings.
  • Retain a recordkeeper. Wood said it is important to have one that has experience with MEPs and is able to handle multiple entities and situations such as when one plan participant moves to another entity.

Wood told conference attendees Transamerica is working on another 403(b) MEP right now for a state hospital association. “MEPs can provide the same benefits for the health care industry,” he said. In addition, he told attendees, “Any kind of not-for-profits that are decentralized and small could work together to use this model. For example, United Way.”

A similar plan model has been in place for years for public K-12 plan sponsors—the Wise Choice for Educators Combined 457(b)/403(b) Plan—a co-operative built by the Illinois Public Pension Fund Association (IPPFA).
