Supreme Court Sends Back Case About Vested Retiree Health Benefits

The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected principles used by an appellate court to review cases about benefits provided by collective bargaining agreements.

The U.S. Supreme Court vacated an appellate court’s decision that an employer owed retirees covered by a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) lifetime health care benefits, finding the basis for the decision was inappropriate.

The high court said the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision in M&G Polymers USA v. Tackett rested on principles that are incompatible with ordinary principles of contract law. The appellate court based its decision on the reasoning of its earlier decision in International Union, United Auto, Aerospace, & Agricultural Implement Workers of Am. v. Yard-Man, Inc.

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When M&G Polymers purchased the Point Pleasant Polyester Plant in 2000, it entered a CBA with the union representing those employees. The agreement provided that certain retirees, along with their surviving spouses and dependents, would “receive a full company contribution towards the cost of [health care] benefits”; that such benefits would be provided “for the duration of [the] Agreement”; and that the agreement would be subject to renegotiation in three years.

Following the expiration of those agreements, M&G announced that it would require retirees to contribute to the cost of their health care benefits. Retirees sued M&G and related entities, alleging that the agreement created a vested right to lifetime contribution-free health care benefits.

A federal district court dismissed the complaint for failure to state a claim, but the 6th Circuit reversed based on the reasoning Yard-Man. On remand, the district court ruled in favor of the retirees, and the appellate court affirmed that decision.

The Supreme Court noted that the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) governs pension and welfare benefits plans, including those established by (CBAs), and while it establishes minimum funding and vesting standards for pension plans, it exempts welfare benefits plans—such as the retiree health benefits in the CBA addressed in the current case—from those rules. The high court previously found in Black & Decker Disability Plan v. Nord that “[E]mployers have large leeway to design . . . welfare plans as they see fit.” Thus, the Supreme Court interprets CBAs, including those establishing ERISA plans, according to ordinary principles of contract law.

According to the Supreme Court’s opinion, the 6th Circuit did not use ordinary principles of contract law in Yard-Man, but made its own inferences. First, the appellate court inferred from the existence of termination provisions for other benefits provided for in the CBA that the absence of a termination provision specifically addressing retiree benefits expressed an intent to vest those benefits for life. The court also relied on “the context” of labor negotiations to resolve the ambiguity, inferring that the parties would have intended such benefits to vest for life because they are not mandatory subjects of collective bargaining, and they are “typically understood as a form of delayed compensation.”

The Supreme Court noted that characterization is contrary to ERISA, in which Congress specifically defined plans that “resul[t] in a deferral of income by employees” as pension plans, and plans that offer medical benefits as welfare plans. Thus, retiree health care benefits are not a form of deferred compensation.

The high court also said the appellate court inferred that parties would not leave retiree benefits to the contingencies of future negotiations, and that retiree benefits generally last as long as the recipient remains a retiree. The 6th Circuit’s subsequent decisions went even further, requiring a contract to include a specific durational clause for retiree health care benefits to prevent vesting.

The Supreme Court said these decisions distort the text of the agreement and conflict with the principle of contract law that the written agreement is presumed to encompass the whole agreement of the parties. The appellate court failed to consider the traditional principle that “contractual obligations will cease, in the ordinary course, upon termination of the bargaining agreement.” According to the Supreme Court opinion, the 6th Circuit also failed to consider the traditional principle that courts should not construe ambiguous writings to create lifetime promise.

The Supreme Court ultimately rejected the Yard-Man inferences as being consistent with ordinary principles of contract law. It said the appellate court should be the first to review the agreements at issue under the correct legal principles, and remanded the case for the 6th Circuit to apply ordinary principles of contract law. 

Debt Becoming a Persistent Problem for Older Americans

Many older Americans are taking on debt at a time when they should be focused on savings and retirement investments, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

A new report from the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) finds more and more late-career Americans are carrying problematic debt payment levels towards retirement.

EBRI says that for American families with family heads age 55 or older, the occurrence of debt has increased from 63.4% in 2010 to 65.4% in 2013, the latest year for which data is available. Compared with the1992 level of 53.8%, the 2013 level is up more than 10 points, EBRI observes.  

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Even more troubling, EBRI says, is the increased percentage of older families with monthly debt payments greater than 40% of income—a traditional threshold measure of debt load trouble. The occurrence of problem debt loads increased in 2013 to 9.2% for Americans age 55 and older, EBRI finds, up from 8.5% in 2010.

The primary cause of rising debt loads seems to be Americans’ home purchases.

“Housing debt drove the change in the level of debt payments in 2013, while the non-housing (consumer) debt-payment share of income held stable from 2010,” notes Craig Copeland, EBRI senior research associate and author of the report. “Housing debt was the major component of debt for families headed by individuals ages 55 or older.”

Copeland adds that the increasing debt levels among those with housing debt have “obvious and serious implications for the future retirement security of these Americans.” EBRI suggests some families included in the report’s survey sample are at serious risk of losing what is probably their most important asset—their home—at the time retirement wealth should be approaching its peak. 

EBRI says it also found some positive news in that certain other debt measures improved in 2013 for older Americans.

For example, total debt payments as a percentage of income decreased from 11.4% in 2010 to 10.0 % in 2013, and average debt decreased from $80,465 in 2010 to $73,211. Further, debt as a percentage of assets decreased from 8.5% in 2010 to 8.1% in 2013.

Another positive, EBRI says American families with the oldest family heads remain the least likely to have debt. In 2013, for example, 78.5% of families with heads ages 55 to 64 held some debt, compared with 41.3% of those with heads ages 75 or older.

However, the percentage with debt increased from 2010 to 2013 for families headed by individuals in each age group studied. For those families with heads ages 55 to 64, EBRI says the percentage with debt increased from 77.6% in 2010 to 78.5% in 2013. Among those families with heads ages 65 to 74, the percentage with debt increased from 65.0% to 66.4%. For families with heads ages 75 or older, the increase was from 38.5% to 41.3%.

The full EBRI Notes report, “Debt of the Elderly and Near Elderly, 1992–2013,” is available online here
